browserWidth > 1200: do not reposition slide
browserWidth > 960 && browserWidth < 1200: move slide background X position based
on the formula (25/48*browserWidth)-625
browserWidth < 960: reposition background X position to -125px
$(window).resize(function() {
var winW = $(window).width();
if (winW > 960 && winW < 1200) {
$('#' + carouselID).css('left', '600px');
var leftValue = ((25/48) * winW - 625) + 'px';
var backgroundAtr = 'url(http://www.placehold.it/1200x800) ' + leftValue + ' top no-repeat';
$('#' + carouselID + ' .slides .slide').css('background', backgroundAtr);
} else if (winW <= 960) {
$('#' + carouselID).css('left', '600px');
var leftValue = '-125px';
var backgroundAtr = 'url(http://www.placehold.it/1200x800) ' + leftValue + ' top no-repeat';
$('#' + carouselID + ' .slides .slide').css('background', backgroundAtr);
} else if (winW >= 1200) {
$('#' + carouselID).css('left', '50%');
var leftValue = 'left';
var backgroundAtr = 'url(http://www.placehold.it/1200x800) ' + leftValue + ' top no-repeat';
$('#' + carouselID + ' .slides .slide').css('background', backgroundAtr);
謝謝。這正是我正在尋找的。這仍然有些滯後。是否有更多優化可以在我的代碼上執行? – Jon
Nm。我只是修改了'background-position-x',而不是修改'background'屬性。 – Jon