Sub GetKeyWords()
Dim numKey As Integer
Dim strTemp() As Variant
'Input Keywords
numKey = InputBox("How many keywords would you like to search for? (Integer)", "Integer Value Please")
For k = 1 To numKey
ReDim Preserve strTemp(numKey - 1)
strTemp(k - 1) = InputBox("Please enter keyword" & k)
'Execute Alert Finder
Call AlertFinder(strTemp)
End Sub
Sub AlertFinder(strTemp() As Variant)
'Set Variables
Dim boolFound As Boolean
Dim txt As String
Dim strOutput As String
Dim tbl As HTMLTable, tables As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim tr As HTMLTableRow, r As Integer, i As Integer
Dim tRows As IHTMLElementCollection
Dim ie As InternetExplorer
Dim strCurrent As Variant
~bunch of code~
Set ieDoc = ie.Document
'Loop to refresh webpage every 25 minutes
Do While True
'Pause the script for x minutes
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:05:00"))
'AFter time is up, reload page and run Alert Finder Again
ieDoc.Location.Reload (True)
AlertFinder (strTemp)
If Err <> 0 Then
End If
Set ie = Nothing
End Sub
很難說如果沒有看到「〜一堆代碼〜」,但是你應該從'Sub AlertFinder'將循環提取到它自己的'Sub'中,而不是使用遞歸。 – Comintern
謝謝!你介意闡述嗎? –
該循環保持腳本活着。沒有理由再次調用AlertFinder(strTemp)。發生的情況是每5分鐘創建一個AlertFinder副本。在5分鐘內,你有2個AlertFinder正在運行,10分鐘內有4個副本,15分鐘內有16個副本....等等。 – 2016-07-06 18:35:26