更好的方法是使用promise 。異步/等待仍然很新。沒有像Bable或Typescript這樣的預處理器,甚至在節點7中都不支持(不確定節點8)。而且,async/await無論如何都會使用承諾。
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fileList = ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'];
// Use Bluebird's Promise.promisifyAll utility to turn all of fs'
// async functions into promise returning versions of them.
// The new promise-enabled methods will have the same name but with
// a suffix of "Async". Ex: fs.stat will be fs.statAsync.
// Create a cache to store the file if we're planning to get multiple
// stats from it.
let cache = {
fileName: null,
fileStats: null
const getFileStats = (fileName, prop) => {
if (cache.fileName === fileName) {
return cache.fileStats[prop];
// Return a promise that eventually resolves to the data we're after
// but also stores fileStats in our cache for future calls.
return fs.statAsync(fileName).then(fileStats => {
cache.fileName = fileName;
cache.fileStats = fileStats;
return fileStats[prop];
const getMd5Hash = file => {
// Return a promise that eventually resolves to the hash we're after.
return fs.readFileAsync(file).then(fileData => {
const hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
return hash.digest('hex');
// Create a promise that immediately resolves with our fileList array.
// Use Bluebird's Promise.map utility. Works very similar to Array.map
// except it expects all array entries to be promises that will
// eventually be resolved to the data we want.
let results = Promise.resolve(fileList).map(fileName => {
return Promise.all([
// This first gets a promise that starts resolving file stats
// asynchronously. When the promise resolves it will store file
// stats in a cache and then return the stats value we're after.
// Note that the final return is not a promise, but returning raw
// values from promise handlers implicitly does
// Promise.resolve(rawValue)
getFileStats(fileName, 'ctime'),
// This one will not return a promise. It will see cached file
// stats for our file and return the stats value from the cache
// instead. Since it's being returned into a Promise.all, it will
// be implicitly wrapped in Promise.resolve(rawValue) to fit the
// promise paradigm.
getFileStats(fileName, 'size'),
// First returns a promise that begins resolving the file data for
// our file. A promise handler in the function will then perform
// the operations we need to do on the file data in order to get
// the hash. The raw hash value is returned in the end and
// implicitly wrapped in Promise.resolve as well.
// .spread is a bluebird shortcut that replaces .then. If the value
// being resolved is an array (which it is because Promise.all will
// resolve an array containing the results in the same order as we
// listed the calls in the input array) then .spread will spread the
// values in that array out and pass them in as individual function
// parameters.
.spread((dateTime, fileSize, md5Hash) => [file, { dateTime, fileSize, md5Hash }]);
}).catch(error => {
// Any errors returned by any of the Async functions in this promise
// chain will be propagated here.
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fileList = ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'];
let cache = {
fileName: null,
fileStats: null
const getFileStats = (fileName, prop) => {
if (cache.fileName === fileName) {
return cache.fileStats[prop];
return fs.statAsync(fileName).then(fileStats => {
cache.fileName = fileName;
cache.fileStats = fileStats;
return fileStats[prop];
const getMd5Hash = file => {
return fs.readFileAsync(file).then(fileData => {
const hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
return hash.digest('hex');
let results = Promise.resolve(fileList).map(fileName => {
return Promise.all([
getFileStats(fileName, 'ctime'),
getFileStats(fileName, 'size'),
]).spread((dateTime, fileSize, md5Hash) => [file, { dateTime, fileSize, md5Hash }]);
['file1', { dateTime: 'data here', fileSize: 'data here', md5Hash: 'data here' }],
['file2', { dateTime: 'data here', fileSize: 'data here', md5Hash: 'data here' }],
['file3', { dateTime: 'data here', fileSize: 'data here', md5Hash: 'data here' }]
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fileList = ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'];
let cache = {
fileName: null,
fileStats: null
async function getFileStats (fileName, prop) {
if (cache.fileName === fileName) {
return cache.fileStats[prop];
let fileStats = await fs.stat(fileName);
cache.fileName = fileName;
cache.fileStats = fileStats;
return fileStats[prop];
async function getMd5Hash (file) {
let fileData = await fs.readFileAsync(file);
const hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
return hash.digest('hex');
let results = Promise.resolve(fileList).map(fileName => {
return Promise.all([
getFileStats(fileName, 'ctime'),
getFileStats(fileName, 'size'),
]).spread((dateTime, fileSize, md5Hash) => [file, { dateTime, fileSize, md5Hash }]);
沒有解釋的downvote是無用的。請幫助改善問題。 – Trees4theForest
我希望downvote彈出一個框,要求用戶輸入至少一個簡短的理由。 – Chev