set cannedResponse to "Hello,
Thanks for your support request!
We'll take a look at the issue and get back to you as fast as possible"
tell application "System Events" to keystroke cannedResponse
set cannedResponse to "Hello,
Thanks for your support request!
We'll take a look at the issue and get back to you as fast as possible"
tell application "System Events" to keystroke cannedResponse
set cannedResponse to "Hello,
Thanks for your support request!
We'll take a look at the issue and get back to you as fast as possible"
set theList to paragraphs of cannedResponse
set listCount to count of theList
repeat with i from 1 to listCount
tell application "System Events"
keystroke item i of theList
if i is not listCount then keystroke return
end tell
end repeat
因爲文本包含換行符,keystroke linefeed & linefeed
keystroke return & return
set cannedResponse to "Hello,
Thanks for your support request!
We'll take a look at the issue and get back to you as fast as possible"
set t to do shell script "tr '\\n' '\\r' <<<" & quoted form of cannedResponse -- this replace all linefeed character by return character
tell application "System Events" to keystroke t
set cannedResponse to "Hello," & return & "
Thanks for your support request!" & return & "
We'll take a look at the issue and get back to you as fast as possible"
tell application "System Events" to keystroke cannedResponse
set crlf to return & linefeed
set cannedResponse to "Hello," & crlf & crlf & "
Thanks for your support request! " & crlf & crlf & "
We'll take a look at the issue and get back to you as fast as possible" as text
tell application "System Events" to keystroke cannedResponse
即使您看不到它們,您的變量「cannedResponse」也包含換行符。 「keystroke」命令不知道換行的任何信息 - 它只知道按下鍵盤。所以如果你想換行,你只需在每行之後按回車鍵即可。
set theCannedResponseLines to {"Hello,", "Thanks for your support request!", "We’ll take a look at the issue and get back to you as fast as possible."}
repeat with theLoopNumber from 1 to the count of items in theCannedResponseLines
tell application "System Events"
keystroke (item theLoopNumber of theCannedResponseLines)
keystroke return
end tell
end repeat
這樣一個簡單的解決方案!請注意,它也適用於相互之間的換行符(例如'\ n \ n')。 – Cotten 2014-09-26 09:12:14