我有一個java程序,我有一點難度,並會真正感謝幫助。創建三種方法,更改值? java
- addMine方法(應該改變the_minefield的值(在元件thisCol,thisRow)從EMPTY_SQUARE到MINE_SQUARE,並返回值真。)
-getValue方法(應返回請求的行和列處的雷區值。 (目前,雷區中的值是MINE_SQUARE或EMPTY_SQUARE)。如果行和列的謊言雷區之外,此方法應返回0)
class MineFinderModel
public static int MINE_SQUARE = 10;
public static int EMPTY_SQUARE = 0;
int num_of_cols;
int num_of_rows;
int[][] the_minefield;
public MineFinderModel(int n_cols, int n_rows)
num_of_rows = n_rows;
num_of_cols = n_cols;
the_minefield = new int[num_of_cols][num_of_rows];
public boolean addMine(int thisCol, int thisRow)
return false; // but you sometimes need to return true;
public int getValue(int thisCol, int thisRow)
return 0; // but you need to return other numbers at times;
public void addMinesToCorners()
問題是什麼? – 2013-03-11 11:02:32
[email protected] – 2013-03-11 11:04:11
我需要創建這些方法,我真的很煩惱,請你能給我發電子郵件嗎? – 2013-03-11 11:04:47