我的要求:如何創建調用方法的Observable Timer並在方法正在運行時阻止取消,直到完成?
- 運行方法DoWork在指定的時間間隔。
- 如果在DoWork的呼叫之間呼叫停止,則只需停止計時器。
- 如果在DoWork正在運行時調用stop,則阻塞直到DoWork完成。
- 如果DoWork在調用停止後超時完成,超時。
var source = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Create an observable sequence for the Cancel event.
var cancelObservable = Observable.Create<Int64>(o =>
source.Token.Register(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start on canceled handler.");
Console.WriteLine("End on canceled handler.");
return Disposable.Empty;
var observable =
// Create observable timer.
Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), Scheduler.Default)
// Merge with the cancel observable so we have a composite that
// generates an event every 10 seconds AND immediately when a cancel is requested.
// This is what I ended up doing instead of disposing the timer so that I could wait
// for the sequence to finish, including DoWork.
.TakeWhile(i => !source.IsCancellationRequested)
// I could put this in an observer, but this way exceptions could be caught and handled
// or the results of the work could be fed to a subscriber.
.Do(l =>
Console.WriteLine("Start DoWork.");
Console.WriteLine("Finish DoWork.");
var published = observable.Publish();
var disposable = published.Connect();
// Press key between Start DoWork and Finish DoWork to test the cancellation while
// running DoWork.
// Press key between Finish DoWork and Start DoWork to test cancellation between
// events.
// I doubt this is good practice, but I was finding that o.OnNext was blocking
// inside of register, and the timeout wouldn't work if I blocked here before
// I set it up.
// Is there a preferred way to block until a sequence is finished? My experience
// is there's a timing issue if Cancel finishes fast enough the sequence may already
// be finished by the time I get here and .Wait() complains that the sequence contains
// no elements.
.ForEach(i => { });
Console.WriteLine("All finished! Press any key to continue.");
感謝布蘭登!我不知道爲什麼使用TakeUntil打斷計時器的概念沒有出現在我身上,這完全有道理。使用Amb聽兩個可觀察對象也很酷。您的示例與AsyncSubject一起工作良好,但是當我將Thread.Sleep添加到DoWork以模擬工作時,CancellationToken示例在超時時未按預期方式運行,則直到DoWork完成後纔會調用取消阻止。當我將TakeUntil(cancelSignal)更改爲TakeUntil(cancelSignal.ObserveOn(Scheduler.Default))時,一切都很順利。我將相應地編輯您的示例,如果錯誤請撤消。 – MichaC
而不是在你的'TakeUntil'調用中嵌入'ObserveOn',通過修改'ToObservable'幫助器方法來接受一個'IScheduler'來保持關注點分離和更多的'Rx-y'令牌被取消。我已經修改了答案。 – Brandon