executive = book.add_worksheet("Executive Summary")
yesterday_chart = book.add_chart({'type': 'pie'})
yesterday_chart.add_series({'name': 'Yesterdays Installs',
'values': '=(\'Total Counts\'!$B$2,\'Total Counts\'!$J$2)',
'points': [
{'fill': {'color': 'green'}},
{'fill': {'color': 'red'}},
這是我現在有創造兩個點,但沒有填充數據的地方。我需要它從名爲Total Counts的表中繪製出單元格B2和J2。預先感謝您的幫助,以保持我的理智。
import xlsxwriter
book = xlsxwriter.Workbook("Testing.xlsx")
counts = book.add_worksheet("Total Counts")
r = 0
c = 0
counts.write(0, 0, "Total Installed to date")
counts.write(0, 1, "Installed Yesterday")
counts.write(0, 2, " Missed Yesterday")
counts.write(0, 3, "Scheduled Yesterday")
executive = book.add_worksheet("Executive Summary")
yesterday_chart = book.add_chart({'type': 'pie'})
r += 1
counts.write(r, c, "100")
counts.set_column(c, c, len("Total Installed to date"))
c += 1
counts.write(r, c, "25")
counts.set_column(c, c, len("Installed Yesterday"))
c += 1
counts.write(r, c, "5")
counts.set_column(c, c, len("Missed Yesterday"))
c += 1
counts.write(r, c, "30")
counts.set_column(c, c, len("Scheduled Yesterday"))
c = 0
yesterday_chart.add_series({'name': 'Yesterdays Installs',
'values': "=('Total Counts'!$D$2,'Total Counts'!$B$2)",
'points': [
{'fill': {'color': 'green'}},
{'fill': {'color': 'red'}},
executive.insert_chart(0, 0, yesterday_chart)
我已經添加更多的代碼的請求和連接的圖像。我真的不確定我做錯了什麼。感謝您查看它。 – leigon
您發佈的附加代碼無助於澄清問題。您需要像我一樣發佈[最小化,完整和可驗證示例](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)。 – jmcnamara
但是,如果我不得不猜測,我會說在單元格B2和J2中沒有任何數據。 – jmcnamara