2013-03-27 22 views




  • 小數點後兩位,小數點右邊
  • 確實沒有圍捕(即基本上只是「截斷」無論是第二位的右側小數點後兩位)
  • 增加了千個分隔符,如果必要



# basic entry - both are seen as integers 
print 'A: ', 7/3 

# test by printing out the types 
print 'B: ', type(7) 
print 'C: ', type(3) 

# this is not necessary as they are already integers 
print 'D: ', int(7/3) 

# converts the result of 7/3 into a floating number 
print 'E: ', float(7/3) 

# defines the float version of 7 by the float version of 3 
print 'F: ', float(7)/float(3) 

# coverts the results of the above into a string and assigns to variable 
string_var = str(float(7)/float(3)) 

# print the string 
print 'G: ', string_var 

# prints 4 characters of the string, but returns two decimal places 
print 'H: ', string_var[:4] 

string_var = str(25.8545678888) 

# prints 5 characters of the string, but returns two decimal places 
print 'I: ',string_var[:5] 

# import the locale module 
import locale 
# sets to user's default settings (don't know what empty quotes are) 
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') 

#set an arbitrary float number to a variable 
float_var = 25.859 

# apply locale.currency formatting 
print 'J: ',locale.currency(float_var) 

# import the decimal module 
from decimal import * 

# the decimal version of the variable 
print 'K: ',Decimal(float_var) 

# divide the decimal version by 2 
print 'L: ',Decimal(float_var)/2 

# divide the decimal version by the decimal verson of 2 
print 'M: ', Decimal(float_var)/Decimal(2) 

# change decimal precision to 6 
getcontext().prec = 6 

# note there is no change in this value as precision only applied to 
# result of calculations, see 
print 'N: ', Decimal(float_var) 

# the following equation returns decimal precision to 6 (6 characters displayed) 
print 'O: ', Decimal(float_var)/2 

# example of 6 characters printed, not decimal places 
# to the right of the decimal 
print 'P: ', Decimal(55550)/130 

# if you want to control places to the right of the decimal 
# displayed without rounding and show thousand separators if 
# necessary ? 



def make_it_money(number): 
    - shows 2 decimal places 
    - shows thousands separator if necessary 
    - retains integrity of original var for later re-use 
    - allows for concise calling 
    import math 
    return '$' + str(format(math.floor(number * 100)/100, ',.2f')) 

# tests 

var1 = 25.867 
var2 = 25.864 
var3 = 25.865 
var4 = 2500.7869 

print make_it_money(var1) 
print make_it_money(var2) 
print make_it_money(var3) 
print make_it_money(var4) 

你真的需要檢查出['Decimal'模塊(HTTP://docs.python。組織/ 2 /庫/ decimal.html)。 – 2013-03-27 15:27:31


謝謝我已經嘗試過了,如上面的代碼所示,但我無法理解足夠的文檔以實現結果,即在小數點右側有2位小數,沒有舍入,必要時使用千位分隔符。 – user1063287 2013-03-28 04:11:55



使用format() function格式化floatDecimal類型:

format(value, ',.2f') 


>>> format(12345.678, ',.2f') 



>>> import math 
>>> format(math.floor(12345.678 * 100)/100, ',.2f') 

謝謝,有沒有辦法做任何舍入?即截斷第二個小數位右邊的任何內容?例如,這個'打印格式(25.859,',.2f')'打印出25.86。我只想顯示25.85而不發生任何舍入(只是截斷)。我知道我可以將它轉換成一個字符串並做到這一點,但如果可能的話,最好保留號碼的完整性。 – user1063287 2013-03-28 04:20:57


對不起,我認爲您的完整解決方案適用於... – user1063287 2013-03-28 05:59:44
