如何將char* argv[]
的參數插入。將char * argv []轉換爲wstring
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
double minimum = 10;
double input;
char* filename;
wstring adr(L".");
const wchar_t* adresar;
adresar = adr.c_str();
char *p;
int num;
errno = 0;
long conv;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
conv = strtol(argv[i], &p, 10);
// Check for errors: e.g., the string does not represent an integer
// or the integer is larger than int
if (errno != 0 || *p != '\0' || conv > INT_MAX) {
// Put here the handling of the error, like exiting the program with
// an error message
cout << "";
else if(strcmp(argv[1], "/a") == 0) {
// No error
num = conv;
minimum = num;
else if(strcmp(argv[3], "/d") == 0) {
int mbtowc(wchar_t* adresar, const char* argv[4], std::size_t n);
else {
adresar = adr.c_str();
string nazev_souboru;
vector<string> strpole;
int chyby, l;
chyby = 0;
bool vysledek;
vysledek = ArrayofDirContents(adresar, nazev_souboru, strpole);
vector<string>::iterator i;
if (vysledek == true) {
writeFile(nazev_souboru, strpole, chyby, l, minimum);
writeSms(strpole, chyby, l, minimum);
for (i = strpole.begin(); i < strpole.end(); i++) {
cout << *i;
cout << '\n';
//SaveDirectoryContents(L".", nazev_souboru);
你到目前爲止嘗試過什麼?實際上你想要解決的問題是什麼? (查找['std :: mbtowc'](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/multibyte/mbtowc)。) –
我有一個文件夾路徑作爲參數例如「C:/ User 「並且我需要將此字符串從argv轉換爲wstring或const wchar t –
Martin Bonner爲什麼是mbtowc int?我需要將值保存爲wstring或wchart * –