2012-01-19 41 views


class Node: 
    next  # the next node or None 
    prev  # the previous node or None 
    parent  # the parent or None 
    children[] # ordered list of child nodes 
    columns[] # a list of data. Currently only holdt the 
       # string representation of the node in the model. 


- 0 
-- 0:0 
--- 0:0:0 
--- 0:0:1 
---- 0:0:1:0 
---- 0:0:1:1 
--- 0:0:2 
-- 0:1 
- 1 


- 0 
-- 0:0 
-- 0:1 
-- 0 
- 1 
--- 0:0:0 
--- 0:0:1 
--- 0:0:2 
-- 0:1 
-- 0 
- 1 
--- 0:0:1 
---- 0:0:1:0 
---- 0:0:1:1 
--- 0:0:2 
-- 0 
---- 0:0:1:0 
---- 0:0:1:1 
--- 0:0:2 
---- 0:0:1:1 
---- 0:0:1:1 


def print_tree(from_path): 
    nodelist = [] 
    root_node = model.get_iter(from_path) 
    nodelist.append((root_node, 0)) # the second item in the tuple is the indentation 

    while nodelist: 
     node = nodelist[0][0] 
     indent = nodelist[0][1] 
     print("{0} {1}".format("-" * indent, node.columns[0])) 

     if node.children: 
      child = node.children[0] 
      nodelist.append((child, indent +1)) 

      while child.next: 
       nodelist.append((child.next, indent +1)) 
       child = child.next 
     if node.next: 
      next = node.next 
      nodelist.append((next, indent)) 



什麼是'next'和'prev'?兄弟姐妹? – mgibsonbr


你能給我們一些樣品數據嗎? – kindall




def visit(node,indent): 
    # Load your node data 
    print("{0} {1}".format("-" * indent, node.columns[0])) # Do something with your data 
    # Unload your node data 
    if len(node.children) > 0 : 
     return (node.children[0], indent+1) # Visit the first child, if there is one 
    while node.next is None: # If no sibling, your parent is done 
     node = node.parent 
     indent -= 1 
     if node is None: # Root node reached, end the traversal 
      return None 
    return (node.next, indent) # Visit your next sibling, if there is one 

cursor = (root_node, 0) 
while cursor is not None: 
    cursor = visit(*cursor) 



@ jo-erlend我的代碼不是遞歸的,唯一的函數定義是'visit',它從不會自動調用自己......並且對不起,如果我誤解了你的問題,當你說「我想保留內存中的少數節點可能的「我無法想象你的意思**在堆棧**。只要將這兩個註釋留空即可(因爲我的代碼不是遞歸的,在任何給定時刻只有一個節點會在堆棧中)。 – mgibsonbr


很好!我真的不明白它是如何工作的,但它確實如此,我會解決它。我見過的所有抽象算法使用列表來存儲被訪問節點的隊列,但似乎並沒有必要與您的代碼。我非常期待徹底測試它。謝謝! :) –



def print_tree(from_path): 

    node, indent = model.get_iter(from_path), 0 

    while node: 

     if indent:   # don't print the root 
      print "-" * indent, node.columns[0] 

     if node.children: # walk to first child before walking to next sibling 
      node = node.children[0] 
      indent += 1 
     elif node.next:  # no children, walk to next sibling if there is one 
      node = node.next 
      # no children, no more siblings: find closet ancestor w/ more siblings 
      # (note that this might not be the current node's immediate parent) 
      while node and not node.next: 
       node = node.parent 
       indent -= 1 
      node = node and node.next    

可以通過用yield indent, node替換print線變成發電機此。


class Node(object): 
    def __init__(self, parent=None, sib=None, value=""): 
     self.parent = parent 
     self.prev  = sib 
     self.next  = None 
     self.children = [] 
     self.columns = [str(value)] 
    def child(self, value): 
     child = Node(self, None, value) 
     if self.children: 
      self.children[-1].next = child 
      child.prev = self.children[-1] 
     return child 
    def sib(self, value): 
     return self.parent.child(value) 

class model(object): 
    def get_iter(_): 

     root = Node() 

     root.child("0").child("0:0").child("0:0:0").sib("0:0:1") \ 

     return root 

喜歡這個答案,比我的更清潔。但我認爲最後一個'else'需要另一個'while' - 看看父母沒有兄弟姐妹但祖父母會這樣做會發生什麼。 – mgibsonbr


好抓,固定(我希望)。 – kindall


太棒了,謝謝!:)這對我來說都非常令人興奮,而且我一直在這一點上陷入困​​境,所以現在我可以再取得一些進展!非常感謝:) –