2017-05-15 277 views


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#Show favorites page (Click blue favorites button) 
$.favoritesButton.on Events.Click, -> 
    #Show list of names 

    #Hide blue favorites button & show green favorites button 2 

#Send to all favorites (Click on the green favorites button 2) 
$.favoritesButton2.on Events.Click, -> 
    #Show Send to All Favorites Page 

    #Hide green favorites button 2 & blue favorites button, so can show pink + white favorites button 

「ON」 狀態的手段把不透明度爲1和狀態 「默認」 是指不透明度爲0的綠色收藏夾按鈕2之上藍色的收藏夾按鈕。




#Place Favorites button on top of favorites button 2 

#Show favorites page (Click favorites button) 
$.favoritesButton.on Events.Click, -> 
    #Show list of names 

    #Hide blue favorites button & show green favorites button 2 

    #Place Favorites button 2 on top of favorites button 

#Send to ALL favorites (Click on the green favorites button 2) 
$.favoritesButton2.on Events.Click, -> 
    #Show Send to All Favorites Page 

    #Hide green favorites button 2 & blue favorites button, so can show  pink + white favorites button 

國家 「關」 的方式把不透明度爲0