語法爲:dir | batchtee file.txt的
::batchTee.bat OutputFile [+]
:: Write each line of stdin to both stdout and outputFile.
:: The default behavior is to overwrite any existing outputFile.
:: If the 2nd argument is + then the content is appended to any existing
:: outputFile.
:: Limitations:
:: 1) Lines are limited to ~1000 bytes. The exact maximum line length varies
:: depending on the line number. The SET /P command is limited to reading
:: 1021 bytes per line, and each line is prefixed with the line number when
:: it is read.
:: 2) Trailing control characters are stripped from each line.
:: 3) Lines will not appear on the console until a newline is issued, or
:: when the input is exhaused. This can be a problem if the left side of
:: the pipe issues a prompt and then waits for user input on the same line.
:: The prompt will not appear until after the input is provided.
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" equ ":tee" goto :tee
set "teeTemp=%temp%\tee%time::=_%"
2>nul (
9>"%teeTemp%.lock" (
for %%F in ("%teeTemp%.test") do (
set "yes="
pushd "%temp%"
copy /y nul "%%~nxF" >nul
for /f "tokens=2 delims=(/" %%A in (
'^<nul copy /-y nul "%%~nxF"'
) do if not defined yes set "yes=%%A"
for /f %%A in ("!yes!") do (
find /n /v ""
echo :END
echo %%A
) >"%teeTemp%.tmp" | <"%teeTemp%.tmp" "%~f0" :tee %* 7>&1 >nul
) || goto :lock
del "%teeTemp%.lock" "%teeTemp%.tmp" "%teeTemp%.test"
exit /b
set "redirect=>"
if "%~3" equ "+" set "redirect=>>"
8%redirect% %2 (call :tee2)
set "redirect="
(echo ERROR: %~nx0 unable to open %2)>&7
for /l %%. in() do (
set "ln="
set /p "ln="
if defined ln (
if "!ln:~0,4!" equ ":END" exit
set "ln=!ln:*]=!"
if defined redirect (echo(!ln!)>&8
dir > file.txt & type file.txt
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- 17. Tomcat如何將verbose:gc控制檯輸出重定向到catalina.out
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設計您可以創建一個程序做的工作。它會迴應它對標準輸出和作爲參數指定的文件的標準輸入。然後將輸出從任何命令輸入到您的程序中。 –