Range(Test(0)) = wf.CountIfs(.Rows(1).Find(Test(2), lookat:=xlWhole).EntireColumn, Test(3))
Sub WBR()
Dim Count1Criteria As Variant
Dim Count3Criteria As Variant
Dim Test As Variant
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction
Filter1InSummary = Array(Array("AH4", "Latency", "Pass/Fail", "Pass"), _
Array("AH5", "Latency", "Pass/Fail", "Fail"), _
Array("AH44", "TT", "Able to repro", "Not Tested"), _
Array("AH47", "TT", "Reason for Reasssignment/Resolving", "Duplicate TT"), _
Array("AH51", "TT", "Able to repro", "Yes"), _
Array("AH52", "TT", "Able to repro", "No"), _
Array("AH61", "Reactive", "Item Type", "Item"), _
Array("AH46", "TT", "Reason for Reasssignment/Resolving", "Hardware Unavailable"), _
Array("AH41", "TT", "Severity", "2"), _
Array("AH62", "Reactive", "Trigger Key Name", "*App Crashes*"), _
Array("AH63", "Reactive", "Trigger Key Name", "*Download*"), _
Array("AH49", "TT", "Reason for Reasssignment/Resolving", "Insufficient Information"), _
Array("AH15", "Latency", "Comments", "*Waived since unable to repro issue*"), _
Array("AH6", "Latency", "Comments", "*Waived since unable to repro issue*"), _
Array("AH16", "Latency", "Comments", "*Waived due to business reasons*"), _
Array("AH18", "Non-Mhowls", "Type of testing", "Full Testing"), _
Array("AH19", "Non-Mhowls", "Type of testing", "Upgrade Testing"), _
Array("AH21", "DRG", "Failure testing type", "Normal Testing"), _
Array("AH22", "DRG", "Failure testing type", "Deep Testing"))
For Each Test In Filter1InSummary
With Worksheets(Test(1))
Range(Test(0)) = wf.CountIfs(.Rows(1).Find(Test(2), lookat:=xlWhole).EntireColumn, Test(3))
End With
想必它沒有找到價值?你只是指定了一個可能沒有幫助的參數。 – SJR
一個參數?你可以在外行期間解釋嗎?我需要提供哪些信息來找出這裏出現的問題? –
通過您的代碼來檢查發生了什麼。如果您認爲某個值存在但您沒有找到它,則可能是由於某個Find的參數。看看VBA的幫助或例如https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff839746.aspx(順便說一句,我認爲你只需要CountIf。) – SJR