2011-11-16 35 views



唯一可靠的解決方案是使用一個formula to determine maximum scale ratio

var $img = $('#content img'), 
    imageWidth = $img[0].width, //need the raw width due to a jquery bug that affects chrome 
    imageHeight = $img[0].height, //need the raw height due to a jquery bug that affects chrome 
    maxWidth = $(window).width(), 
    maxHeight = $(window).height(), 
    widthRatio = maxWidth/imageWidth, 
    heightRatio = maxHeight/imageHeight; 

var ratio = widthRatio; //default to the width ratio until proven wrong 

if (widthRatio * imageHeight > maxHeight) { 
    ratio = heightRatio; 

//now resize the image relative to the ratio 
$img.attr('width', imageWidth * ratio) 
    .attr('height', imageHeight * ratio); 

//and center the image vertically and horizontally 
    margin: 'auto', 
    position: 'absolute', 
    top: 0, 
    bottom: 0, 
    left: 0, 
    right: 0 

我試過這個,但它不保持長寬比:(我得到最大高度,但寬圖像被壓扁:( –


如果你擁有了它,你可以只使用CSS的所有元素之外: <img src="something.jpg" style="width:100%; height:100%" onload="scaleToFullScreen()" />


<img name='myImage' src="something.jpg" onload="onResize()" /> 
window.onresize = onResize; 

function onResize(e){ 
    var img = var img = document.images.myImage; 
    if (img.width > img.height) 
     img.width = window.innerWidth 
     img.height = window.innerHeight; 

,這將不成比例。我需要「縮放」它,而不是傾斜它。 – Andrew


@Andrew所以如果窗口的縱橫比不一樣,它應該[letterbox](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letterbox)? – Nicole


@Renesis基本上,是的。 – Andrew