- LOC(行代碼)
- 規則合規%
- 評論%
- 公共記錄的API%
- 安全侵犯
- 違規(不含信息)
- 重複行%
我試圖檢查聲納數據庫中的實體關係,所有的表都是獨立的。 我不知道從哪張表中我應該得到的價值,以產生報告。
select proj.name as ClassName, -- Class Name for which violation has been found out
proj.long_name as LongName, -- Long Class Name i.e. with package for which violation has been found out
rf.failure_level as ErrorLevel, -- Error level of the violation
rf.message as Violation, -- Cause of Violation
rf.line as LineNumber, -- Line number of the class file
ru.name ViolationName, -- Violation Description
ru.plugin_name PluginType -- Plugin tool by which this error has been detected i.e. findbug, PMD, etc.
-- ,ru.description -- (if violation description is required we can add this column) from projects proj inner join snapshots snap on proj.id = snap.project_id inner join rule_failures rf on rf.snapshot_id = snap.id inner join rules ru on ru.id = rf.rule_id
是否太多適合您的需求了?[報告插件](http://docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/Sonar+PDF+Plugin)? – oers 2012-02-08 13:03:14
哦,請在您以前的問題上爲您的努力提供幫助並[請接受答案](http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/5235/160062)。 – oers 2012-02-08 13:06:04