2014-01-20 32 views


6001 1001 3001 
3001 1002 2001 
2001 1003 3002 
3002 1004 2002 
2002 1005 3003 
3003 1006 2003 


6001 1001 3001 1002 2001 1003 3002 1004 2002 1005 3003 1006 2003 1007 3004 1008 6002 2001 1009 


6001 2003 1012 3006 
1001 1007 2005 1018 
3001 3004 1013 2002 
1002 1008 3010 2005 
2001 6002 1014 1019 
1003 2001 2006 3008 
3002 1009 1015 1020 
1004 3005 3009 2006 
2002 1010 1016  
1005 2004 2003  
3003 1011 2004  
1006 3007 1017  



Dim InputRng As Range, OutRng As Range 
Dim row As Integer 
Dim rng As Range, j As Long 
Dim lastRow As Long 

Set InputRng = Sheet1.Range("A1:C20") 'A1 to C20 range is selected for operation 

Set OutRng = Sheet2.Cells(1, 1) 'Cell A2 on another sheet 

'---as indicated below data is converted to single row 

Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
xRows = InputRng.Rows.Count 
xcols = InputRng.Columns.Count 
For i = 1 To xRows 
    InputRng.Rows(i).Copy OutRng 
    Set OutRng = OutRng.Offset(0, xcols + 0) 

Application.ScreenUpdating = True 

' duplicates comming one after other are deleted by below code 

row = 0 ' Initialize variable. 
For i = 1 To 3 * 20 
If Sheet2.Cells(1, i).Value = Sheet2.Cells(1, i + 1).Value Then 
Sheet2.Cells(1, i).Delete 
End If 
Next i 

' data is rearranged to creat 12 number of rows and dynamic number of colums 
j = 1 

     For i = 1 To Sheet2.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Step 12 
      Set rng = Sheet2.Range(Sheet_Pipe_Config.Cells(1, i), Sheet2.Cells(1, i + 12)) 
      Sheet3.Cells(1, j).Resize(rng.Count - 1, 1) = Application.Transpose(rng) 

      j = j + 1 
     Next i 

End Sub 

我建議你試一下,並與您遇到任何特定的問題回來。 –




注意:在Set OutRng = Sheet2.Cells(1, 1) 'Cell A2 on another sheet,Cells(1,1)是單元格A1而不是A2。


Dim ValuesFormat1 as Variant 

ValuesFormatIn = Sheet1.Range("A1:C20").Value 


ReDim ValuesFormatIn(1 To 20, 1 To 3) 

在你的原代碼,你通過一次運動細胞一排3 * 20範圍內轉換爲1 * 60範圍內。您可以使用ReDim語句來增加或減少最後一個維度的出現次數,但是沒有將2D,3 * 20元素數組轉換爲1D,60個元素數組的標準函數。如果您搜索「VBA數組」,您會發現將執行此類轉換的VBA例程。但是,我不相信這是最簡單的方法。


Dim NumColsOut As Long 
Const NumRowsOut As Long = 12 
Dim ValuesFormatOut As Variant 

NumColsOut = (UBound(ValuesFormatIn, 1) * UBound(ValuesFormatIn, 2) _ 
                + NumRowsOut - 1) \ NumRowsOut 
ReDim ValuesFormatOut(1 To NumRowsOut, 1 To NumColsOut) 



Dim RowInCrnt As Long 
    Dim ColInCrnt As Long 
    Dim RowOutCrnt As Long 
    Dim ColOutCrnt As Long 
    Dim ValueCrnt As Long 
    Dim ValueLast As Long 

    ValueLast = -1  ' For the code below to work, -1 muat be an inpossible value 
    RowOutCrnt = 1 
    ColOutCrnt = 1 

    For RowInCrnt = 1 To UBound(ValuesFormatIn, 1) 
    For ColInCrnt = 1 To UBound(ValuesFormatIn, 2) 
     If ValuesFormatIn(RowInCrnt, ColInCrnt) <> "" And _ 
     IsNumeric(ValuesFormatIn(RowInCrnt, ColInCrnt)) Then 
     ValueCrnt = ValuesFormatIn(RowInCrnt, ColInCrnt) 
     If ValueLast <> ValueCrnt Then 
      ValuesFormatOut(RowOutCrnt, ColOutCrnt) = ValueCrnt 
      ValueLast = ValueCrnt 
      RowOutCrnt = RowOutCrnt + 1 
      If RowOutCrnt > NumRowsOut Then 
      ColOutCrnt = ColOutCrnt + 1 
      RowOutCrnt = 1 
      End If 
     End If 
     ' Probably a blank cell 
     ValueLast = -1 
     End If 


' Output ValuesFormatOut 
With Sheet2 
    .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(NumRowsOut, NumColsOut)).Value = ValuesFormatOut 
End With 

非常感謝@Tony我會修改我的代碼並會返回...感謝專家的建議... –


親愛的@ tony-dallimore,它太棒了..這段代碼對我來說是完美的...我避免了將這個數組轉換爲2-D ..仍然有小的查詢..我怎麼能寫sheet2而不是rowwise ... valuesformatout被轉置...? –


@ Yogesh.Kale我相信你可以在工作表和數組之間的傳輸中使用WorksheetFunction.Transform,儘管我從來沒有嘗試過。它是控制輸出數組維度的'NumRowsOut'和'NumColsOut'的值。 「RowInCrnt」和「ColInCrnt」的For-Loops控制從輸入數組中提取值的順序。 「RowOutCrnt」和「ColOutCrnt」的值控制數據輸出的順序。通過調整這些,您應該能夠將輸出陣列的排列更改爲新的要求。 –