2011-11-28 78 views



MyJniJavaClass JNI =新MyJniJavaClass();


JNI =新MyJniJavaClass();


其實,我的問題是,我想訪問我的C++ DLL兩次。它第一次運行良好,然後崩潰的第二個... 我試圖訪問C++ DLL使用兩個不同的對象的實例,但它仍然崩潰...

所以我想這個問題是由於這樣一個事實, C++的DLL停留在我的應用程序內存開放的,它不喜歡我兩次訪問它(「在同一時間」)...


////////////////// ADDED 
#include "stdafx.h" 

#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <math.h> 
#include <XtremeAPI.h> 
////////////////// ADDED 

#include "MainFrame_Jni_Functions.h" 
#include <vector> 
#include <string> 
#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

// parameters table columns and row number 
vector<char*> paramName; 
vector<char*> paramType; 
jdouble*  paramValue; 
jdouble*  paramMin; 
jdouble*  paramMax; 
jdouble*  paramRef; 
jint   paramNbRows; 

// responses table columns and row number 
vector<char*> respName; 
jint   respNbRows; 

// objectives table columns and row number 
vector<char*> objName; 
vector<char*> objType; 
jint   objNbRows; 

// constraints table columns and row number 
vector<char*> conName; 
vector<char*> conType; 
jdouble*  conLimit; 
jdouble*  conExponent; 
jdouble*  conRefVal; 
jdouble*  conWeight; 
jint   conNbRows; 

// interval constraints table columns and row number 
vector<char*> intConName; 
vector<char*> intConType; 
jdouble*  intConLowLimit; 
jdouble*  intConUpLimit; 
jdouble*  intConExponent; 
jdouble*  intConWeight; 
jint   intConNbRows; 

// Xtreme data's 
//static XtremeDataGA  xtremeDataGA; 
/*XtremeDataFastGA xtremeDataFastGA; 
XtremeDataMGA  xtremeDataMGa; 
XtremeDataFastGA xtremeDataFastGA; 
XtremeDataFastMGA xtremeDataFastMGA;*/ 

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_MainFrame_Jni_Functions_sendParamToNative 
( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jobjectArray jparamName, jdoubleArray jparamValue, 
jdoubleArray jparamMin, jdoubleArray jparamMax, jdoubleArray jparamRef, jobjectArray jparamType){ 

    paramNbRows = env->GetArrayLength(jparamName); 

    paramValue = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jparamValue, 0); 
    paramMin = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jparamMin, 0); 
    paramMax = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jparamMax, 0); 
    paramRef = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jparamRef, 0); 

    paramName = vector<char*>(paramNbRows); 
    for(int i=0; i<paramNbRows; i++){ 
     paramName.at(i) = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(
      (jstring)env->GetObjectArrayElement(jparamName, i), 0); 

    paramType = vector<char*>(paramNbRows); 
    for(int i=0; i<paramNbRows; i++){ 
     paramType.at(i) = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(
      (jstring)env->GetObjectArrayElement(jparamType, i), 0); 

    env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jparamValue,paramValue, 0); 
    env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jparamMin, paramMin, 0); 
    env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jparamMax, paramMax, 0); 
    env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jparamRef, paramRef, 0); 

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_MainFrame_Jni_Functions_sendRespToNative (JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jobjectArray jRespName){   

respNbRows = env->GetArrayLength(jRespName); 

respName = vector<char*>(respNbRows); 
for(int i=0; i<respNbRows; i++){ 
    respName.at(i) = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(
     (jstring)env->GetObjectArrayElement(jRespName, i), 0); 

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_MainFrame_Jni_Functions_sendObjToNative 
(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jobjectArray jObjName, jobjectArray jObjType){ 

objNbRows = env->GetArrayLength(jObjName); 

objName  = vector<char*>(objNbRows); 
for(int i=0; i<objNbRows; i++){ 
    objName.at(i) = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(
     (jstring)env->GetObjectArrayElement(jObjName, i), 0); 

objType  = vector<char*>(objNbRows); 
for(int i=0; i<objNbRows; i++){ 
    objType.at(i) = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(
     (jstring)env->GetObjectArrayElement(jObjType, i), 0); 

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_MainFrame_Jni_Functions_sendConToNative 
( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jobjectArray jConName, jobjectArray jConType, 
    jdoubleArray jConLimit, jdoubleArray jConExpo, jdoubleArray jConRefVal, jdoubleArray jConWeight){ 

     conNbRows  = env->GetArrayLength(jConName); 

     conLimit  = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jConLimit, 0); 
     conExponent  = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jConExpo, 0); 
     conRefVal  = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jConRefVal, 0); 
     conWeight  = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jConWeight, 0); 

     conName   = vector<char*>(conNbRows); 
     for(int i=0; i<conNbRows; i++){ 
      conName.at(i) = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(
       (jstring)env->GetObjectArrayElement(jConName, i), 0); 

     conType   = vector<char*>(conNbRows); 
     for(int i=0; i<conNbRows; i++){ 
      conType.at(i) = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(
       (jstring)env->GetObjectArrayElement(jConType, i), 0); 

     env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jConLimit, conLimit, 0); 
     env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jConExpo, conExponent,0); 
     env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jConRefVal, conRefVal, 0); 
     env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jConWeight, conWeight, 0); 

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_MainFrame_Jni_Functions_sendIntConToNative 
( JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jobjectArray jIntConName, jobjectArray jIntConType, 
    jdoubleArray jIntConLowLimit, jdoubleArray jIntConUpLimit, jdoubleArray jIntConExp, jdoubleArray jIntConWeight){ 

     intConNbRows = env->GetArrayLength(jIntConName); 

     intConLowLimit = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jIntConLowLimit, 0); 
     intConUpLimit = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jIntConUpLimit, 0); 
     intConExponent = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jIntConExp, 0); 
     intConWeight = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jIntConWeight, 0); 

     intConName = vector<char*>(intConNbRows); 
     for(int i=0; i<intConNbRows; i++){ 
      intConName.at(i) = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(
       (jstring)env->GetObjectArrayElement(jIntConName, i), 0); 

     intConType = vector<char*>(intConNbRows); 
     for(int i=0; i<intConNbRows; i++){ 
      intConType.at(i) = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(
       (jstring)env->GetObjectArrayElement(jIntConType, i), 0); 

     env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jIntConLowLimit,intConLowLimit, 0); 
     env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jIntConUpLimit, intConUpLimit, 0); 
     env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jIntConExp,  intConExponent, 0); 
     env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jIntConWeight, intConWeight, 0); 

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_MainFrame_Jni_Functions_printTables (JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj){ 

cout << endl << "Printing from XtremeAPIProject" << endl; 

cout << endl << "paramTable" << endl; 
for(int i=0; i<paramNbRows; i++) 
    cout << "line " << i << " : "  
       << " name=" << paramName.at(i) 
       << " val=" << paramValue[i]  
       << " min=" << paramMin[i] 
       << " max=" << paramMax[i]  
       << " ref=" << paramRef[i] 
       << " type=" << paramType.at(i)   
      << endl; 

cout <<endl << "respTable" << endl; 
for(int i=0; i<respNbRows; i++) 
    cout << "line " << i << " : "  
       << " name=" << respName.at(i)  
      << endl; 

cout <<endl << "objTable" << endl; 
for(int i=0; i<objNbRows; i++) 
    cout << "line " << i << " : "  
       << " name=" << objName.at(i)   
       << " type=" << objType.at(i)  
      << endl; 

cout <<endl << "conTable" << endl; 
for(int i=0; i<conNbRows; i++) 
    cout << "line " << i << " : "  
       << " name=" << conName.at(i)  
       << " type=" << conType.at(i) 
       << " limit="<< conLimit[i] 
       << " exp=" << conExponent[i]  
       << " refV=" << conRefVal[i] 
       << " wght=" << conWeight[i]   
      << endl; 

cout <<endl << "intConTable" << endl; 
for(int i=0; i<intConNbRows; i++) 
    cout << "line " << i << " : "  
       << " name=" << intConName.at(i) 
       << " type=" << intConType.at(i) 
       << " lowL=" << intConLowLimit[i] 
       << " uprL=" << intConUpLimit[i]  
       << " exp=" << intConExponent[i] 
       << " wght=" << intConWeight[i]   
      << endl; 

cout << endl << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; 


///////////////////////////////////////// test functions 
// Test function 
void rosenbrockFunction (std::vector<double>& parameterVector, std::vector<double>& responseVector) 
double r = 0; 

for (unsigned int i=0; i<parameterVector.size(); i++) 
    if ((i+1)%2 == 1) 
     r = r + pow(1.0E+00 - parameterVector.at (i), 2.0); 
     r = r + 100.0E+00 * 
     pow(parameterVector.at (i) - pow(parameterVector.at (i-1), 2.0), 2.0); 

responseVector.at (0) = r; 

// Test function 
void zdt1Function (std::vector<double>& parameterVector, std::vector<double>& responseVector) 
double nDouble = parameterVector.size(); 

double f1 = parameterVector.at (0); 
double g = 0.0; 
for (unsigned int i=1; i<parameterVector.size(); i++) 
    g += parameterVector.at (i); 
g = 9.0 * g/(nDouble - 1.0); 
g += 1.0; 
double h = 1.0 - sqrt (f1/g); 

responseVector.at (0) = f1; 
responseVector.at (0) = g * h; 

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_MainFrame_Jni_Functions_runTestGA (JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj){ 


//xtremeDataGA = XtremeDataGA(); 
XtremeDataGA xtremeData = XtremeDataGA(); 

//--------------- [ Parameters ] ---------------------------------------------------- 
xtremeData.parameters.resize (2); //paramNbRows 

for(int i=0; i<2; i++){ //paramNbRows 

    xtremeData.parameters.at(i).name  = paramName.at(i); 
    xtremeData.parameters.at(i).valueMin = paramMin[i]; 
    xtremeData.parameters.at(i).valueMax = paramMax[i]; 
    xtremeData.parameters.at(i).valueRef = paramRef[i]; 

    if  (!strcmp(paramType.at(i), "Double"))  
     xtremeData.parameters.at(i).valueType = 3; 
    else if (!strcmp(paramType.at(i), "Integer")) 
     xtremeData.parameters.at(i).valueType = 2; 
    else if (!strcmp(paramType.at(i), "Boolean")) 
     xtremeData.parameters.at(i).valueType = 1; 
     xtremeData.parameters.at(i).valueType = 0; 

//--------------- [ Responses ] ----------------------------------------------------- 
xtremeData.responses.resize (1); 

xtremeData.responses.at(0).name = "F1"; 

//--------------- [ External simulation ] ------------------------------------------- 
xtremeData.externalSimulation.externalSimulationType = 1; 
xtremeData.externalSimulation.functionPointer   = &rosenbrockFunction; 

//--------------- [ Objective function ] -------------------------------------------- 
xtremeData.penalties.resize (1); 
xtremeData.penalties.at(0).quantityName = "F1"; 
xtremeData.penalties.at(0).penaltyType = "MINIMIZE"; 
xtremeData.penalties.at(0).weight  = 1.0; 

//--------------- [ Optimizer ] ----------------------------------------------------- 
xtremeData.optimizationData.initialSolutionStrategy = 0; 
xtremeData.optimizationData.randomSeedStrategy  = 0; 

xtremeData.optimizationGAData.reproductionCount = 50; 
xtremeData.optimizationGAData.individualCount = 50; 

xtremeData.optimizationGAData.evaluationStrategy.first = 1; 
xtremeData.optimizationGAData.evaluationStrategy.second = 1; 
xtremeData.optimizationGAData.GAType     = 1; // our advance GA 

xtremeData.optimizationData.solutionHistoryStrategy = 1; 

bool success = XtremeAPIGA (xtremeData); 

cout << endl << "success=" << success << endl; 

cout << "nb1=" << xtremeData.resultsData.parameter.size() << endl; 
cout << "nb2=" << xtremeData.resultsData.parameter.at(0).size() << endl; 
cout << "nb3=" << xtremeData.resultsData.parameter.at(0).at(0).size() << endl; 


cout << "begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl; 

cout << "before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl; 
jclass jclazz = env->FindClass("MainFrame/Jni/TablesObjects"); 
cout << "after***************" << jclazz <<endl; 

int iterationsSize = xtremeData.resultsData.parameter.size(); 
jdouble* jdbl = new jdouble(iterationsSize); 
for(int i=0; i<iterationsSize; i++) 
    jdbl[i] = xtremeData.resultsData.parameter.at(i).at(0).at(0); 
jdoubleArray jdblArr = env->NewDoubleArray(iterationsSize); 
env->SetDoubleArrayRegion(jdblArr, 0, iterationsSize, jdbl); 

jclass jStringClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/String"); 
jobjectArray jStringArray = env->NewObjectArray(6, jStringClass, 0); 
for(int i=0; i<6; i++) 
    env->SetObjectArrayElement(jStringArray, i, env->NewStringUTF("a")); 

jmethodID mid = env->GetStaticMethodID(jclazz, "resultsParameterInsertCol", "([Ljava/lang/Object;[D)V"); 
env->CallStaticVoidMethod(jclazz, mid, jStringArray, jdblArr); 

cout << "end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl; 

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_MainFrame_Jni_Functions_destroyAll (JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj){ 

// parameters table columns and row number 
paramValue = NULL; 
paramMin = NULL; 
paramMax = NULL; 
paramRef = NULL; 

// responses table columns and row number 
respNbRows = NULL; 

// objectives table columns and row number 
objNbRows = NULL; 

// constraints table columns and row number 
conLimit = NULL; 
conExponent = NULL; 
conRefVal = NULL; 
conWeight = NULL; 
conNbRows = NULL; 

// interval constraints table columns and row number 
intConLowLimit = NULL; 
intConUpLimit = NULL; 
intConExponent = NULL; 
intConWeight = NULL; 
intConNbRows = NULL; 

你能展示一些更多的代碼來說明問題嗎? –


問題解決了,我的雙數組初始化不好...我用「()」而不是「[]」... – Jsncrdnl





我添加了一些C++代碼,我開始了一個將變量設置爲null的方法,我在做它好方法?任何建議plz? ^^ – Jsncrdnl


你應該在C++端添加一些方法: int init(); destroy(int); 這種方法將管理你的C++對象的實例,我不是C++大師,但我知道你不應該從java端來管理它。 –