這不是問題,因爲我已經找到答案。Android嚴格依賴於SDK 17的檢查
新的Android SDK 17對jar文件有更嚴格的依賴性檢查。
[2012-03-22 10:54:27 - MyApp] Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] Found 2 versions of annotations.jar in the dependency list, [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] but not all the versions are identical (check is based on SHA-1 only at this time). [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time. [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] Versions found are: [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] Path: /opt/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/support/annotations.jar [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] Length: 1463 [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] SHA-1: 6f59fa3a223df6f332bee8b8bffb526f7445018b [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] Path: /home/christine/workspace/MyApp/libs/annotations.jar [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] Length: 7593 [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] SHA-1: e28fe9e70610beb9ef49226a9e56fed7a86e742a [2012-03-22 10:54:46 - MyApp] Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies
http://groups.google.com/group/actionbarsherlock/browse_thread/thread/b00f96062f61ea9e – Vivek 2012-04-21 14:15:11
這是不一樣的問題... – Christine 2012-06-06 22:12:29
@Christine你解決了嗎? – 2012-07-05 11:26:53