最近幾個月,我一直在爲自己的組織開發數據庫。我使用的是Office 2013.我已將互聯網上的代碼通過Outlook發送給我的客戶。但不管我編輯多少代碼,問題仍然存在。當點擊發送VBA生成的電子郵件時Outlook將關閉
用途:我發送html電子郵件,我已將html代碼保存在我的表格中,以便點擊按鈕即可獲取模板。哪些可供用戶進一步編輯。備選方案非常感謝! :D
Private Sub CmdEmail_Click()
Dim oApp As Object
Dim oMail As Object
Dim olAccount As Object
Dim olAccounts As Object
Dim olAccountTemp As Object
Dim vallL As String
Dim foundAccount As Boolean
Dim strFrom As String
On Error Resume Next
Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oMail = oApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set olAccount = oApp.Account
Set olAccountTemp = oApp.Account
strFrom = CompanyEmail
foundAccount = False
Set olAccounts = oApp.Application.Session.Accounts
For Each olAccountTemp In olAccounts
Debug.Print olAccountTemp.SmtpAddress
If (olAccountTemp.SmtpAddress = strFrom) Then
Set olAccount = olAccountTemp
foundAccount = True
Exit For
End If
Set oMail.SendUsingAccount = olAccount
If foundAccount Then
Debug.Print "ACCT FOUND!"
With oMail
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML 'Set body format to HTML
vallL = DLookup("[Memo]", "HtmlEmailT", "[ID] = 1") & "rs!CliName"
vallL = vallL & DLookup("[Memo]", "HtmlEmailT", "[ID] = 2") & "rs!InvoiceId"
vallL = vallL & DLookup("[Memo]", "HtmlEmailT", "[ID] = 3") & "rs!BalDue"
vallL = vallL & DLookup("[Memo]", "HtmlEmailT", "[ID] = 4") & "rs!InvoiceDate"
vallL = vallL & DLookup("[Memo]", "HtmlEmailT", "[ID] = 5") & "rs!InvTotal"
vallL = vallL & DLookup("[Memo]", "HtmlEmailT", "[ID] = 6")
.HTMLBody = vallL
.SendUsingAccount = olAccount
.SentOnBehalfOfName = """CompnayName"" <CompanyEmail>"
End With
Debug.Print "No acct found"
MsgBox "The chosen email is not signed in!!" & vbCrLf & "Please sign in first"
End If
Set oApp = Nothing
Set oMail = Nothing
Set olAccounts = Nothing
Set olAccount = Nothing
Set olAccountTemp = Nothing
End Sub
當您運行此代碼時,Outlook是否已打開,還是讓代碼打開Outlook? – Chrismas007
我很抱歉不提這件事。只有在Outlook未打開時纔會發生。如果它是開放的,那就沒有問題了。 –
錯誤恢復時刪除下一步。不要在整個代碼中使用它。一旦使用原因過去了,你需要一個On Error Goto 0.在這裏使用它似乎不是一個理由。 – niton