我的廣度優先搜索存在問題。我們將學校練習作爲一個代碼模板來實現廣度優先搜索。廣度優先搜索 - 不返回路徑(正確路徑)
我已經根據書中的僞代碼人工智能 - 現代方法實現了BFS,但我無法使其工作。測試程序根本沒有返回路徑。
public class CustomGraphSearch implements SearchObject {
private HashSet<SearchNode> explored;
private NodeQueue frontier;
protected ArrayList<SearchNode> path;
private boolean insertFront;
* The constructor tells graph search whether it should insert nodes to front or back of the frontier
public CustomGraphSearch(boolean bInsertFront) {
insertFront = bInsertFront;
* Implements "graph search", which is the foundation of many search algorithms
public ArrayList<SearchNode> search(Problem p) {
// The frontier is a queue of expanded SearchNodes not processed yet
frontier = new NodeQueue();
/// The explored set is a set of nodes that have been processed
explored = new HashSet<SearchNode>();
// The start state is given
GridPos startState = (GridPos) p.getInitialState();
// Initialize the frontier with the start state
frontier.addNodeToFront(new SearchNode(startState));
// Path will be empty until we find the goal.
path = new ArrayList<SearchNode>();
// The start NODE
SearchNode node;
// Check if startState = GoalState??
path.add(new SearchNode(startState));
return path;
do {
if(frontier.isEmpty()) {
return path;
node = frontier.removeFirst();
ArrayList reachable = new ArrayList<GridPos>();
reachable = p.getReachableStatesFrom(node.getState());
SearchNode child;
for(int i = 0; i< reachable.size(); i++){
child = new SearchNode((GridPos)reachable.get(i));
if(!explored.contains(child) || !frontier.contains(child)){
path = child.getPathFromRoot() ;
return path;
return path;
你能更具體嗎?你有沒有空路? – Tudor
聽起來像問題是在'child.getPathFromRoot()' - 顯示我們的代碼。 –
@Tudor:(s)他得到一個無限循環,因爲孩子們在探索後不斷重新添加到'frontier'。 (看我的答案。) – ruakh