2010-09-15 83 views
namespace Test 
    #region Not my code 
    public interface IAdditional 
    public interface ISome 
     ISomeOther<T> GetSomeother<T>() where T : class; 
    public interface ISomeOther<T> where T : class 
     void DoFoo(T obj); 
    public class AnotherClass<T> where T : class 
    public static class StaticClass 
     public static void DoBar<T>(AnotherClass<T> anotherClass, T obj) where T : class, IAdditional 

    #region MyCode 
    public class SomeOtherImp<T> : ISomeOther<T> where T : class, IAdditional //Have to add IAdditional constraint to call StaticClass.DoBar 
     private AnotherClass<T> _anotherClass; 
     public void DoFoo(T obj) 
      StaticClass.DoBar<T>(_anotherClass, obj); //I do need to call StaticClass.DoBar here.... 
    public class ISomeImp : ISome 
     public ISomeOther<T> GetSomeother<T>() where T : class 
      return new SomeOtherImp<T>(); //Can't do this no IAdditional constraint on T 

我被迫加IAdditional到SomeOtherImp到能夠調用StaticClass.DoBar 現在我不能SomeOtherImp實現ISome ....C#調用泛型方法


什麼是實際問題? – 2010-09-15 14:38:07


如何從ISome.Get()實現的方法調用SomeStaticClass.Create 。 – 2010-09-15 14:47:41


你能提供'ISomeInterface'的代碼嗎?你只給我們展示ISome。 – 2010-09-15 14:56:43




public interface ISome 
    T Get<T>() where T:class, ISomeInterface 


public class Foo : ISome 
    public T Get<T>() where T:class 
     if (!typeof(ISomeInterface).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T))) throw new Exception(); 
     return (T)typeof(SomeStaticClass).GetMethod("Create").MakeGenericMethod(new [] {typeof(T)}).Invoke(); 

不幸的是我不能編輯ISome,SomeStaticClass – 2010-09-15 14:45:34


我希望這可以在沒有反射的情況下用一些繼承魔法來完成..看起來不是。 – 2010-09-15 15:01:47



public class Foo : ISome 
    public T Get<T>() where T : class 
     return SomeStaticClass.Create<ISomeInterface>() as T; 



看起來像我簡化了我的代碼actualy獲取()返回IBar 我應該編輯問題) – 2010-09-15 15:20:25



public static class SomeStaticClass 
    public static T Create<T>() where T:class 
     //Replace with actual construction of T 
     return (T)(new object()); 

public interface ISome 
    T Get<T>() where T : class; 

public class Foo : ISome 
    public T Get<T>() where T:class 
     return SomeStaticClass.Create<T>(); 