2016-04-24 187 views


Game      Cost  Odds  
SMALL BEANS    $ 1   1 in 1.67 
BOOTY, ARRR    $ 10 Not possible 
MONEY HU$TLA$   $ 20   1 in 99.80 


#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <string> 
#include <iomanip> 

using namespace std; 

int main() 
// Declaring Variables 
int Profit;       // The lowest dollar amount you want to profit 
int CostOfTicket;     // The cost of the ticket in the dollar amount 
int NumberOfPrizes;     // The number of possible prizes that can be won 
int PrizeValue;      // The value of the prize in dollars 
int NumberOfTickets;    // The total number of tickets that were printed with that prize 
int TicketsNotClaimed;    // The number of tickets with that prize that have not yet been claimed 
double RemainingTickets;   // Total number of tickets that are remaining 
double RemainingTicketsForProfit; // The total number of tickets for a profit that are remaining 
double Odds;      // The odds of winning the game 
string game;      // The name of each game that can be played 
string output;      // The name of output file the user chooses (.txt) 

// Open the input text file 
ifstream inputfile ("scratcher.txt"); // Open the input file called "scratcher.txt" 

// The program will ask the user to enter the lowest amount they would like to profit by when playing one of the lottery games. 
// The games include "Small Beans," "Pirate's Booty, Arrr," and "Big Money Hu$tla$." 
cout << "Enter the lowest dollar amount that you would like to profit: "; 
cin >> Profit; 

cout << "Enter the output file name: "; 
cin >> output; //name of output file user chooses 
ofstream outputfile (output.c_str()); //creates an output file with the name user chose for output 
cout << "Generating report..."; 

// How the output will be formatted 
outputfile << left << setw(25) << "Game" << setw(10) << "Cost" << setw (10) << "Odds" << endl; 
outputfile << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl; 

// Reads the name of the game 
while (getline(inputfile, game)) 
    inputfile >> CostOfTicket; // Reads the cost of the ticket 
    inputfile >> NumberOfPrizes; // Reads the number of prizes 
    RemainingTickets = 0; 
    RemainingTicketsForProfit = 0; 
    for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPrizes; i++) 
     inputfile >> PrizeValue; // Reads the value of the prize 
     inputfile >> NumberOfTickets; // Reads the total number of tickets 
     inputfile >> TicketsNotClaimed; // Reads the number of tickets that are not claimed 

     RemainingTicketsForProfit = RemainingTicketsForProfit + TicketsNotClaimed; 

     // The next line will compute a sum of the number of the remaining tickets where the user would profit 
     if (PrizeValue > Profit) 
      // The following line computes the running sum of the number of tickets remaining for that game. 
      RemainingTickets = RemainingTickets + TicketsNotClaimed; 

    // Tells the program what to do if there are no tickets remaining 
    if (RemainingTickets == 0) 
     // Formats the output 
     outputfile << left << setw(25) << game << setw (2) << "$" << CostOfTicket << right << setw(15) << "Not possible" << endl; 
     // Tells the program to calculate the odds. 
     Odds = RemainingTicketsForProfit/RemainingTickets; 
     outputfile << left << setw(25) << game << setw (2) << "$" << CostOfTicket << right << setw(15) << "1 in " << setprecision(2) << fixed << Odds << endl; 

    string blankLine; 
    inputfile >> blankLine; 

// Closes the input and output text file 
return 0; 



爲什麼你不認爲輸入文件的內容與回答這個問題有關? –


string blankLine; 
inputfile >> blankLine; 





我這樣做是因爲沒有它,它只打印出第一行(小豆),我無法弄清楚如何讓它打印接下來的兩場比賽 –


通過猜測編程將無法正常工作。 –


我在編程方面不甚熟練。這對我來說非常艱難,我正在盡我所能。 –