2012-11-01 34 views

我想實現分塊上傳到Dropbox。 我已經根據Dropbox API文檔中的示例編寫了代碼,但失敗了。Dropbox ChunkedUpload


com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxIOException:阿帕奇了HTTPClient 遇到一個錯誤。沒有反應,再試一次。 at com.dropbox.client2.RESTUtility.execute(Unknown Source)at com.dropbox.client2.DropboxAPI $ ChunkedUploadRequest.upload(Unknown Source)at com.dropbox.client2.DropboxAPI $ ChunkedUploader.upload(Unknown Source) 在com.dropbox.client2.DropboxAPI $ ChunkedUploader.upload(未知 來源)


/** Uploads content to Dropbox. 
* @param dropbox An already linked dropbox API 
* @param stream The stream to upload 
* @param length The number of bytes to upload 
* @param path The path where to store the uploaded content 
* @return a boolean, false if the upload was cancelled, true if it completes 
* @throws IOException 
* @throws DropboxException 
public static boolean upload(DropboxAPI<?> dropbox, InputStream stream, 
     long length, String path) throws IOException, DropboxException { 
    // Create a chunked uploader 
    ChunkedUploader uploader = dropbox.getChunkedUploader(stream, length); 
    try { 
     int tryCounter = 1; 
     while (!uploader.isComplete()) { 
      try { 
       uploader.upload(); // The exception occurs on this line 
      } catch (DropboxException e) { 
       if (tryCounter > 5) throw e; // Give up after a while. 
       System.err.println ("Upload failed, trying again ..."); 
       try { 
       } catch (InterruptedException e1) { 
    } catch (DropboxPartialFileException e) { 
     // Upload was cancelled 
     return false; 
    // If the upload completes, determine the current revision of the path. 
    String parentRev = null; 
    try { 
     Entry metadata = dropbox.metadata(path, 1, null, false, null); 
     parentRev = metadata.rev; 
    } catch (DropboxServerException e) { 
     // If the error is not a FileNotFound error => It's really an error 
     if (e.error!=DropboxServerException._404_NOT_FOUND) throw e; 
    // Finish the upload 
    uploader.finish(path, parentRev); 
    return true; 




嗨,我剛剛在我自己的項目中使用你的代碼,它正常工作與複製粘貼,所以它沒有聽到,可能是相對於帳戶步驟或初始化您的「Dropbox」對象的鏈接DropboxAPI )? – pommedeterresautee



我已將問題提交給Dropbox團隊。 他們只是回答我這是Dropbox API中的一個錯誤。 版本1.5.3修復了它。


也有同樣的消息傳遞給我。 :) –