2015-01-12 91 views

請幫助我。這是情況。MySQL - SQL語法錯誤


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND p.CatId = c.CatId AND ws.ProdId = p.ProdId' at line 1 



    if (isset($_SESSION['cart']) && $_SESSION['cart'] != "") { 
     $total = 0; 
     $subTotal = 0; $sbTotal = 0; 
     $taxAmount = $tax = $totalTaxAmount = $taxAmt = 0; 
     $cartWeightPerProduct = $totalCartWeight = $amtWeight = 0; 

     $sql = "SELECT p.*, c.*, ws.* FROM products p, categories c, weight_shipping ws WHERE ProdCode IN ("; 
     foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $id => $value) { 
      $sql .= '"'.$id.'",'; 
     $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . ") AND p.CatId = c.CatId AND ws.ProdId = p.ProdId"; 
     if ($validate->Query($sql) == TRUE) { 
      if ($validate->NumRows() >= 1) { 
       while ($row = $validate->FetchAllDatas()) { 
        echo '<tr>'; 
        echo '<td data-title="Product Image &amp; name" class="t_md_align_c"><img src="images/Products/'.$row['ProdCode'].'.jpg" alt="'.$row['ProdCode'].'" class="m_md_bottom_5 d_xs_block d_xs_centered" height="75" width="75"><a href="product.php?code='.$row['ProdCode'].'" class="d_inline_b m_left_5 color_dark">'.$row['ProdName'].'</a></td>'; 
        echo '<td data-title="SKU">'.$row['ProdCode'].'</td>'; 
        echo '<td data-title="Price"><p class="f_size_large color_dark">Rs. '.$row['ProdRate'].'</p></td>'; 
        echo '<td data-title="Quantity"><div class="clearfix quantity r_corners d_inline_middle f_size_medium color_dark m_bottom_10"><form action="cart.php" method="POST"><input type="number" max="99" min="0" name="qnty['.$row["ProdCode"].']" value="'.$_SESSION['cart'][$row['ProdCode']]['quantity'].'" class="f_left"><br /><button type="submit" name="btnSubmit" class="f_left"><span class="fa fa-refresh"></span></button></form><form action="removeProduct.php" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="remove['.$row["ProdCode"].']" value="'.($row['ProdRate'] * $_SESSION['cart'][$row['ProdCode']]['quantity']).'"><button type="submit" name="btnRemove" class="f_right"><span class="fa fa-times"></span></button></form></div></td>'; 
        $sbTotal = $row['ProdRate'] * $_SESSION['cart'][$row['ProdCode']]['quantity']; 
        $subTotal = $sbTotal; 
        echo '<td data-title="Subtotal"><p class="f_size_large fw_medium scheme_color t_align_r">'.number_format($sbTotal, 2).'</p></td>'; 
        $total += $subTotal; 
        $_SESSION['cartTotalAmount'] = $total; 
        $tax = $row['CatTaxPercent']; 
        $taxAmt = (($sbTotal * $tax)/100); 
        $taxAmount += $taxAmt; 
        $amt = 0; 
        $cartWeightPerProduct = ($row['weight'] * $_SESSION['cart'][$row['ProdCode']]['quantity']); 
        echo '</tr>'; 
        $totalCartWeight += $cartWeightPerProduct; 
       $totalTaxAmount += $taxAmount; 

       $_SESSION['cartWeight'] = $totalCartWeight; 

       $_SESSION['sessionTotalPayable'] = ($total + $totalTaxAmount); 
       $_SESSION['Presentation']['TotalPayableAmount'] = $_SESSION['sessionTotalPayable']; 
       if (isset($_SESSION['sessionTotalPayable'])) { 
        $amt = $_SESSION['sessionTotalPayable']; 
       } else { 
        $amt = "Rs. 0"; 

       echo '<tr><td colspan="4"><p class="fw_medium f_size_large t_align_r t_xs_align_c">Cart Total:</p></td><td colspan="1"><p class="fw_medium f_size_large color_dark t_align_r">'.number_format($total, 2).'</p></td></tr>'; 

       echo '<tr><td colspan="4"><p class="f_size_large t_align_r t_xs_align_c">Taxes:</p></td><td colspan="1"><p class="f_size_large color_dark t_align_r">'. number_format($totalTaxAmount, 2) .'</p></td></tr>'; 

       echo '<tr><td colspan="4"><p class="f_size_large t_align_r t_xs_align_c">Cart Weight:</p></td><td colspan="1"><p class="f_size_large color_dark t_align_r">'. $totalCartWeight .' grams</p></td></tr>'; 

       echo '<tr><td colspan="4"><p class="f_size_large t_align_r t_xs_align_c">Shipment Fee </p></td><td colspan="1"><p class="f_size_large color_dark t_align_r" id="amt"><button id="amoutn" data-popup="#clickMeForGettingShippingAmount" class="tr_delay_hover r_corners button_type_16 f_size_medium bg_scheme_color color_light m_xs_bottom_5">Estimate</button></p></td></tr>'; 

       echo '<tr><td colspan="4"><p class="fw_medium f_size_large t_align_r t_xs_align_c">Total Payable Amount:</p></td><td colspan="1"><p class="fw_medium f_size_large color_dark t_align_r">'.number_format(($total + $totalTaxAmount), 2).'</p></td></tr>'; 

       echo '<tr><td colspan="4"><div id="chckOutBtn"><button class="f_right tr_delay_hover r_corners button_type_16 f_size_medium bg_scheme_color color_light m_xs_bottom_5">Proceed to Checkout</button></div></td><td colspan="1"><p class="fw_medium f_size_large color_dark t_align_r"><a href="EmptyCart.php">Empty Cart</a></p></td></tr>'; 
} else { 
    echo 'Your Cart Is Empty'; 

Jonathan Dahan評論,我已在if聲明更改的變化:

if (isset($_SESSION['cart']) && $_SESSION['cart'] != "") { 

if (isset($_SESSION['cart']) && is_array($_SESSION['cart']) && sizeOf($_SESSION['cart']) > 0) { 

越來越其表像p.ProdCode 你嘗試打印出整個SQL SELECT執行前?又名'echo $ sql;'? –


是的,我做了:這裏是'$ sql'的輸出:'SELECT p。*,c。*,ws。* FROM products p,categories c,weight_shipping ws WHERE ProdCode IN(「PROD-1539」)AND p。 CatId = c.CatId AND ws.ProdId = p.ProdId' –


如果$ _SESSION ['cart']爲空,將會發生此錯誤,因爲它最終會執行** ... WHERE ProdCode IN()AND。 .. **這是不正確的語法 – Augwa




$ids = array_keys($_SESSION['cart']); 

$sql = "SELECT p.*, c.*, ws.* FROM products p, categories c, weight_shipping ws WHERE ProdCode IN ('".implode("','",$ids)."') AND p.CatId = c.CatId AND ws.ProdId = p.ProdId"; 

試一次.. !!


'$ ids'被列爲不是整數的字符串。你的內爆需要反映這一點。到目前爲止這將是一個錯誤 –


我得到這個:SELECT p。*,c。*,ws。* FROM產品p,類別c,weight_shipping ws WHERE p.ProdCode IN(PROD-005045)AND p.CatId = c.CatId和ws.ProdId = p.ProdId''where子句'中未知列'PROD' –


我根據您的條件@ user3514160更新了查詢。請試試這個..! – Ritesh



$iter = new CachingIterator(new ArrayIterator($_SESSION['cart'])); 
foreach ($iter as $value) { 
    $sql .= '"'.$id.'"'; 
    if ($iter->hasNext()) { 
     $sql .= ","; 


$sql = "SELECT p.*, c.*, ws.* FROM products p, categories c, weight_shipping ws WHERE p.ProdCode IN ("; 
foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $id => $value) { 
    $sql .= '"'.$id.'",'; 
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -1) . ") AND p.CatId = c.CatId AND ws.ProdId = p.ProdId"; // Error Here