2011-11-21 77 views

當我構建我的解決方案時,在錯誤面板中顯示一個錯誤。 但我不明白的錯誤和真正的問題是,當我點擊錯誤,它不會帶我到錯誤線。在visual studio中查找錯誤

在錯誤表中,字段File,Line,Column和Project爲空。 那麼我怎麼找到我的問題在哪裏?


enter image description here


我的猜測是,你正在使用滑塊和你設置的屬性的一個錯誤。 – mydogisbox


前幾個Google點擊會告訴你什麼? [Here](http://runtingsproper.blogspot.com/2010/03/solved-error-1-ticks-must-be-between.html),[here](http://www.k2underground.com/forums) /t/9079.aspx),[here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2496148/compile-error-ticks-must-be-between-datetime-minvalue-ticks-and-datetime-maxval)。有關您的解決方案(什麼樣的項目等)更多的信息將是很好的。 – CodeCaster


[編譯錯誤:Ticks必須在DateTime.MinValue.Ticks和DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks之間。參數名稱:蜱](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2496148/compile-error-ticks-must-be-between-datetime-minvalue-ticks-and-datetime-maxval) – Nasreddine



嗯,很奇怪。 請參閱本blog post

How I Solved It After getting pretty annoyed because I was on the clock I made a backup of the site and decided to delete files until the dodgy file showed its face.

I used the following heuristic to do this:

1.Switch to the Output tab and see what the last folder was which was compiled before it borked. 2.Delete that folder. 3.Recompile 4.Keep repeating steps 1 to 3 until the site compiles 5.When it compiles start bringing back individual files in the last batch you deleted until you find the offending file For me it turned out to be a single .jpg which when viewed in explorer with View Details had an empty "Date Modified".

I opened it up in Photoshop and saved it out again and this fixed the problem.