2016-05-02 113 views

我有一個數組,我想要在多個表中顯示數據。特定年份和學期的所有模塊應該在一個表中。例如,在semester_id 1和year 1中找到的所有模塊應該是在一個表中在表中顯示陣列數據

    [0] => Array 
      [year_id] => 1 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => MATH1103C 
      [module_name] => Decision Mathematics 
      [module_credit] => 3 

    [1] => Array 
      [year_id] => 1 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => ITE1107C 
      [module_name] => Language and Communication Seminar 
      [module_credit] => 3 

    [2] => Array 
      [year_id] => 1 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => MGMT1101C 
      [module_name] => Management Seminar 
      [module_credit] => 3 

    [3] => Array 
      [year_id] => 1 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => HCA1105C 
      [module_name] => Computer Architecture 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [4] => Array 
      [year_id] => 1 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => PROG1115C 
      [module_name] => Object Oriented Software Development I 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [5] => Array 
      [year_id] => 1 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => WAT1116C 
      [module_name] => Internet Programming I 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [6] => Array 
      [year_id] => 1 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => MATH1101C 
      [module_name] => Analytic Methods for Computing 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [7] => Array 
      [year_id] => 1 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => PROG1116C 
      [module_name] => Object Oriented Software Development II 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [8] => Array 
      [year_id] => 1 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => DBT1111C 
      [module_name] => Database Design 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [9] => Array 
      [year_id] => 2 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => PROG2117C 
      [module_name] => Desktop Application Development 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [10] => Array 
      [year_id] => 2 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => OSS2109C 
      [module_name] => Operating Systems 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [11] => Array 
      [year_id] => 2 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => CAN2112C 
      [module_name] => Network Design & Programming 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [12] => Array 
      [year_id] => 2 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => WAT2117C 
      [module_name] => Internet Programming II 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [13] => Array 
      [year_id] => 2 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => MGMT2104C 
      [module_name] => Research & Development Seminar 
      [module_credit] => 3 

    [14] => Array 
      [year_id] => 2 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => MCT2104C 
      [module_name] => Mobile Application Development 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [15] => Array 
      [year_id] => 2 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => WAT2124C 
      [module_name] => Web Services 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [16] => Array 
      [year_id] => 2 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => MATH2323C 
      [module_name] => Numerical Methods 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [17] => Array 
      [year_id] => 2 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => SDT2114C 
      [module_name] => Requirements Engineering 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [18] => Array 
      [year_id] => 3 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => SEM3112C 
      [module_name] => Project Management Seminar 
      [module_credit] => 3 

    [19] => Array 
      [year_id] => 3 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => SECU3119C 
      [module_name] => Secure Software Development 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [20] => Array 
      [year_id] => 3 
      [semester_id] => 1 
      [module_code] => MULT3114C 
      [module_name] => Game Development 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [21] => Array 
      [year_id] => 3 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => PROJ3105C 
      [module_name] => Systems Development Project 
      [module_credit] => 9 

    [22] => Array 
      [year_id] => 3 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => MGMT3105C 
      [module_name] => Entrepreneurship Seminar 
      [module_credit] => 3 

    [23] => Array 
      [year_id] => 3 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => SEM3113C 
      [module_name] => Software Quality Management 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [24] => Array 
      [year_id] => 3 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => WAT3125C 
      [module_name] => Emerging Web Technologies 
      [module_credit] => 4 

    [25] => Array 
      [year_id] => 3 
      [semester_id] => 2 
      [module_code] => SDT3104C 
      [module_name] => Enterprise Software Development 
      [module_credit] => 4 



if (isset($rows) && is_array($rows)) { 
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) { 

     /*echo 'Year ID: ' . $rows[$i]['year_id'] . '<br>'; 
      echo 'Semester ID : ' . $rows[$i]['semester_id'] . '<br>'; 
      echo 'Module Code' . $rows[$i]['module_code'] . '<br>';*/ 
     echo <<<HTML 
<div class="title"> 
     <h1>Year {$rows[$i]['year_id']}</h1> 
    <div class="datagrid"> 

       <th>Semester {$rows[$i]['semester_id']}</th> 
       <th>Module Code</th> 
       <th>Module Name</th> 
        <select class="combo"> 
         <option value=""> --Grade-- </option> 
         <option value="A">A</option> 
         <option value="B">B</option> 
         <option value="C">C</option> 
         <option value="D">D</option> 
         <option value="F">F</option> 
      <tr class="al"> 
       <td bgcolor="#b3ffb3"><b>S.P.A</b></td> 
       <td bgcolor="#4dff4d">data</td> 


首先根據學期和年份設計另一個陣列,以便您可以輕鬆訪問爲不同的學期和年份繪製不同的表格。 –


它看起來像你的數據來自數據庫。一個簡單的方法是從數據庫讀取過濾的數據並輸出簡單的表格。 –


@Frayne Konok你可以發表一個關於如何從這個人創建另一個數組的答案 – user2650277





ie ({$rows[$i]['module_code']}) 


       <th>Module Code</th> 
       for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++){ 
       <td><?php echo $rows[$i]['module_code'] ?></td> 
       <?php } ?> 

這是爲了如果需要創建一個表。 例如,在semester_id 1和year 1中找到的所有模塊都應該放在一個表中。在這種情況下,在數組中運行表並將條件放在上面。


其在這裏並不那麼容易,因爲查詢是一個INNER JOIN幷包含來自不同表格的列 – user2650277


如果您得到正確的數據,那麼您可以輕鬆顯示 –


所有數據數組是動態的,校驗數組。有多個學期和學期 – user2650277



SELECT DISTINCT year_id, semester_id FROM tablename; 


SELECT ... FROM yourQuery WHERE year_id = ? AND semester_id = ?; 


end while while(outer iteration)