2015-08-14 24 views

我試圖用類似SQL的連接迭代器擴展bluss的rust-itertools。我使用散列連接策略遇到了RIGHT OUTER JOIN的特定問題(策略本身實際上非常簡單)。使用HashMap實現類似SQL的RIGHT OUTER JOIN的迭代器適配器


  1. 從左側迭代器的項目是對地圖匹配 - 在匹配的情況下,返回這兩個項目
  2. 當左迭代器耗盡時,從返回非匹配的值地圖

問題是,我試圖在地圖的價值迭代器存儲與地圖存儲它的迭代狀態沿着第二部分。但正如我在answer中所瞭解的那樣,生鏽是不可能的。 不幸的是,我不知道如何做到這一點。

下面是完整的代碼,INNER JOIN適配器,它做的第一部分:

use std::collections::HashMap; 
use std::hash::Hash; 

pub struct HashJoinInner<I, K, V0, V1> where 
    I: Iterator<Item=(K, V0)>, 
    K: Hash + Eq, 
    V1: Clone, 
    left: I, 
    right: HashMap<K, V1>, 

impl<I, K, V0, V1> HashJoinInner<I, K, V0, V1> where 
    I: Iterator<Item=(K, V0)>, 
    K: Hash + Eq, 
    V1: Clone, 
    /// Create a `HashJoinInner` iterator. 
    pub fn new<J>(l: I, r: J) -> Self 
     where J: Iterator<Item=(K, V1)> 
     let mut hm: HashMap<K, V1> = HashMap::new(); 
     for (k, v) in r { 
      hm.insert(k, v); 
     HashJoinInner { 
      left: l, 
      right: hm, 

impl<I, K, V0, V1> Iterator for HashJoinInner<I, K, V0, V1> where 
    I: Iterator<Item=(K, V0)>, 
    K: Hash + Eq, 
    V1: Clone, 
    type Item = (V0, V1); 

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { 
     loop { 
      match self.left.next() { 
       Some((k0, v0)) => match self.right.get(&k0) { 
        Some(v1) => return Some((v0, Clone::clone(v1))), 
        None => continue, 
       None => return None, 



我很抱歉,這些是我在堆棧溢出的第一步,我沒有意識到我可以添加一個答案,我自己的問題。再次感謝您的幫助 - 您的想法幫助我找到解決方案(下面發佈)。 – milancio





use std::collections::hash_map::{HashMap, IntoIter}; 
use std::hash::Hash; 

struct Foo<K, V> 
    where K: Hash + Eq, 
      V: Clone, 
    iter: IntoIter<K, (V, bool)>, 

impl<K, V> Foo<K, V> 
    where K: Hash + Eq, 
      V: Clone, 
    fn new<I>(it: I) -> Self 
     where I: Iterator<Item=(K, V)> 
     let mut map = HashMap::new(); 
     for (k, v) in it { 
      map.insert(k, (v, false)); 
     Foo { iter: map.into_iter() } 

impl<K, V> Iterator for Foo<K, V> 
    where K: Hash + Eq, 
      V: Clone, 
    type Item = V; 
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { 
     loop { 
      match self.iter.next() { 
       Some((_, (v, false))) => return Some(v.clone()), 
       Some(_) => continue, 
       None => return None, 

fn main() { 
    let it = (0..).zip("AB".chars()); 
    let foo = Foo::new(it); 
    for v in foo { 
     println!("{}", v); 


use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap; 
use std::hash::Hash; 

struct LeftOuterJoin<L, K, RV> { 
    left: L, 
    right: HashMap<K, RV>, 

impl<L, K, RV> LeftOuterJoin<L, K, RV> 
    where K: Hash + Eq 
    fn new<LI, RI>(left: LI, right: RI) -> Self 
     where L: Iterator<Item=LI::Item>, 
       LI: IntoIterator<IntoIter=L>, 
       RI: IntoIterator<Item=(K, RV)> 
     LeftOuterJoin { 
      left: left.into_iter(), 
      right: right.into_iter().collect() 

impl<L, K, LV, RV> Iterator for LeftOuterJoin<L, K, RV> 
    where L: Iterator<Item=(K, LV)>, 
      K: Hash + Eq, 
      RV: Clone 
    type Item = (K, LV, Option<RV>); 

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { 
     match self.left.next() { 
      Some((k, lv)) => { 
       let rv = self.right.get(&k); 
       Some((k, lv, rv.cloned())) 
      None => None, 

fn main() { 
    let mut left = HashMap::new(); 
    left.insert(1, "Alice"); 
    left.insert(2, "Bob"); 

    let mut right = HashMap::new(); 
    right.insert(1, "Programmer"); 

    for (id, name, job) in LeftOuterJoin::new(left.into_iter(), right) { 
     println!("{} ({}) is a {:?}", name, id, job); 

有趣的是,它可能正在工作。剩下的唯一問題是,當我在開始使用地圖時,我將無法測試左側迭代器鍵是否存在於地圖中。但是,使用Option <>對代碼進行一些重構可能會起作用。我會盡力與它一起玩,我會更新問題,以防它的工作。非常感謝您的時間 – milancio


@milancio我已經更新了一個可用的左外連接 – Shepmaster


不幸的是,哈希連接策略不對稱,因此翻轉輸入將無法完成。不保證左邊的迭代器在RAM中是可收集的,只有正確的。這就是它如此高效的原因,因爲左邊的可以是任意大的,並且不需要分類。如果您有興趣,我已經完成[合併加入](https://github.com/milancio42/rust-itertools/blob/merge-join/src/merge_join.rs)加入;) – milancio




use std::collections::hash_map::{HashMap, IntoIter,}; 
use std::mem; 
use std::hash::Hash; 

#[must_use = "iterator adaptors are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"] 
pub struct HashJoinRightOuter<L, K, RV> { 
    left: L, 
    map: HashMap<K, (RV, bool)>, 
    /// exclusion iterator - yields the unmatched values from the map. It is created once the left 
    /// iterator is exhausted 
    excl_iter: Option<IntoIter<K, (RV, bool)>>, 

impl<L, K, RV> HashJoinRightOuter<L, K, RV> 
    where K: Hash + Eq, 
    /// Create a `HashJoinRightOuter` iterator. 
    pub fn new<LI, RI>(left: LI, right: RI) -> Self 
     where L: Iterator<Item=LI::Item>, 
       LI: IntoIterator<IntoIter=L>, 
       RI: IntoIterator<Item=(K, RV)> 
     let mut map: HashMap<K, (RV, bool)> = HashMap::new(); 
     for (k, v) in right.into_iter() { 
      map.insert(k, (v, false)); 
     HashJoinRightOuter { 
      left: left.into_iter(), 
      map: map, 
      excl_iter: None, 

    /// Moves the map to `self.excl_iter` 
    /// Once the left iterator is exhausted, the info about which keys were matched is complete. 
    /// To be able to iterate over map's values we need to move it into its `IntoIter`. 
    fn set_excl_iter(&mut self) { 
     let map = mem::replace(&mut self.map, HashMap::<K, (RV, bool)>::new()); 
     self.excl_iter = Some(map.into_iter()); 

impl<L, K, LV, RV> Iterator for HashJoinRightOuter<L, K, RV> 
    where L: Iterator<Item=(K, LV)>, 
      K: Hash + Eq, 
      RV: Clone, 
    type Item = (Option<LV>, RV); 

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { 
     loop { 
      match self.excl_iter { 
       // the left iterator is not yet exhausted 
       None => match self.left.next() { 
        Some((lk, lv)) => match self.map.get_mut(&lk) { 
         Some(rt) => { 
          rt.1 = true; // flag as matched 
          return Some((Some(lv), Clone::clone(&rt.0))) 
         None => continue, // not interested in unmatched left value 
        // the left iterator is exhausted so move the map into `self.excl_iter`. 
        None => self.set_excl_iter(), 
       // iterate over unmatched values 
       Some(ref mut r) => match r.next() { 
        Some((_, (rv, matched))) => { 
         if !matched { 
          return Some((None, rv)); 
         } else { 
        None => return None, 

fn main() { 
    let a = (0..).zip("AB".chars()); 
    let b = (1..).zip("XY".chars()); 
    let mut it = HashJoinRightOuter::new(a, b); 
    assert_eq!(it.next(), Some((Some('B'), 'X'))); 
    assert_eq!(it.next(), Some((None, 'Y'))); 
    assert_eq!(it.next(), None); 

