因此,我的老師希望課程搜索作者姓名的文件,並在文本框(如郵寄標籤)中顯示該作者的所有信息。如何在Visual Basic中搜索文本文件
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
' CSCI 6
' Alex Smutny
' Lab #3
' DATE: 3/1/2013
Dim SR As IO.StreamReader
' initial start spot for the record Count
Dim RecordCount As Integer = 0
Dim Author As String = File.ReadAllText("Authors.txt")
Private Sub btnQuit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles quitBtn.Click
' Properly Exits the application.
End Sub
Private Sub btnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles closeBtn.Click
readBtn.Text = "Read"
' Changes the button statuses Locked or unlocked and sets default settings.
openBtn.Enabled = True
quitBtn.Enabled = True
readBtn.Enabled = False
closeBtn.Enabled = False
SearBtn.Enabled = False
RecordCount = 0
End Sub
Private Sub btnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles openBtn.Click
' Sets the file to read from and opens it.
SR = IO.File.OpenText("Books.Txt")
' Changes the status of the buttons again now that the File is open and ready to read.
openBtn.Enabled = False
quitBtn.Enabled = False
readBtn.Enabled = True
closeBtn.Enabled = True
SearBtn.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub btnRead_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles readBtn.Click
'Changes the Read button to say next because it makes more since.
readBtn.Text = "Next"
' Setting all the variables.
Dim srIndex1 As Integer = 18
Dim srTitle As Integer
Dim srAuthor As Integer
Dim srPrice As Integer
Dim srDPrice As Double
Dim srData As String
Dim srLength As Integer
If SR.Peek() = -1 Then
MessageBox.Show("End of file")
' Starts to read
srData = SR.ReadLine
' Increment counter by 1.
RecordCount = RecordCount + 1
' Determine the record length.
srLength = srData.Length
' gets the book number
bookNum.Text = srData.Substring(0, 3)
' ISBN number
isbnNum.Text = srData.Substring(4, 13)
' Book title
For srTitle = 1 To srLength Step 1
If srData.Substring(srIndex1 + srTitle, 1) = "," Then
bookTitle.Text = srData.Substring(srIndex1, srTitle)
srIndex1 = srIndex1 + srTitle + 1
srTitle = srLength + 1
End If
' Book Author
For srAuthor = 1 To srLength Step 1
If srData.Substring(srIndex1 + srAuthor, 1) = "," Then
authorName.Text = srData.Substring(srIndex1, srAuthor)
srIndex1 = srIndex1 + srAuthor + 1
srAuthor = srLength + 1
Author = authorName.Text
End If
' Book Price
For srPrice = 1 To srLength Step 1
If srData.Substring(srIndex1 + srPrice, 1) = "," Then
srDPrice = CDbl(srData.Substring(srIndex1, srPrice))
bookPrice.Text = srDPrice.ToString("C")
srIndex1 = srIndex1 + srPrice + 1
srPrice = srLength + 1
End If
' Quanity
bookQuanity.Text = srData.Substring(srIndex1, 2)
srIndex1 = srIndex1 + 3
' Reorder Point
reorderPoint.Text = srData.Substring(srIndex1, 2)
End If
' record count
recordNum.Text = RecordCount
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
openBtn.Enabled = True
quitBtn.Enabled = True
readBtn.Enabled = False
closeBtn.Enabled = False
SearBtn.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub SearBtn_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SearBtn.Click
SR = IO.File.OpenText("Authors.Txt")
readBtn.Text = "Restart"
RecordCount = 0
SR = IO.File.OpenText("Books.Txt")
End Sub
作者文件http://pastebin.com/t7C8ye9e 書籍文件http://pastebin.com/y6DNyUFd