2014-10-01 71 views



guessed_list - (前的含舊的猜測,一個新的猜測串字符列表 '( 「A」, 「X」, 「B」),其中 「a」 是新的猜測)

game_word - '( 「a」「b」「c」)

display_word - 包含字母的字符串列表我已經匹配了連字符,並且還沒有達到我的遊戲循環的迭代(ex'(「」「 b「」「),其中來自guessed_list的」a「將被評估爲該循環迭代)

errors_left - 我有的錯誤數我的遊戲應該因錯誤的猜測而結束。最初這從6開始,但在我當前的例子中應該是5,因爲1個字母「x」被錯誤地猜出了。

 ;; Game Loop. 
    (define (game-loop guessed_list display_word mistakes_left) 
    (let ((n_mistakes_left 
      (- mistakes_left (if (contains? game_word (car guessed_list)) 
           0 1)))) 
     (if (= n_mistakes_left 0) 
      (display n_mistakes_left);; End game output 
      (let ((display_word (fill-in-guess (list (car guessed_list)) 
              game_word display_word)) 
       (guessed_list (sort guessed_list string<?))) 

      (display "You have guessed: ") 
      (display-list guessed_list ", ") 
      (display "\n\n") 
      (draw-hangman n_mistakes_left) 
      (display "\n\nWord: ") 
      (display-list display_word " ") 

      (cond ((contains? display_word "_") 
        (display "\n\nEnter a letter to guess: ") 
        (game-loop (append (list (symbol->string (read))) guessed_list) 
           display_word n_mistakes_left)) 
        (else (display "\n\nYou Won!"))))))) 






(define zero_wrong " 

    |  | 








    (define one_wrong " 

    |  | 
    |  |. .| 






    (define two_wrong " 

    |  | 
    |  |. .| 
    |  | 
    |  | 




    (define three_wrong " 

    |  | 
    |  |. .| 
    |  | 
    |  | 




    (define four_wrong " 

    |  | 
    |  |. .| 
    |  | 
    |  | 




    (define five_wrong "|--------- 

    |  | 
    |  |. .| 
    |  | 
    |  | 
    |   \\ 



    (define six_wrong "|--------- 

    |  | 
    |  |x x| 
    |  | 
    |  | 
    |  /\\ 
     / \\ 




    ;; Read list value at x. 
    (define (get-str-at x str_lst) 
    (cond ((equal? x 0) 
     (car str_lst)) 
     (get-str-at (- x 1) (cdr str_lst)) 

    ;; Car operation for strings. 
    (define (string-car str) 
    (substring str 0 1) 

    ;; Cdr operation for strings. 
    (define (string-cdr str) 
    (substring str 1 (string-length str)) 

    ;; Converts a string into a 
    ;; list of character strings. 

    (define (string-to-char-string-list str) 
     ((equal? (string-cdr str) "") 
      (list str) 
      (append (list (string-car str)) (string-to-char-string-list (string-cdr str))) 

    ;; Tests if a list contains a spefified object. 
    ;; Method code from: 
    ;; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1869116/scheme-built-in-to-check-list-containment 
    (define (contains? list item) 
    (if (empty? list) 
     (or (eq? (first list) item) 
      (contains? (rest list) item) 

    ;; Displays a list with the 
    ;; given separater. 
    ;; Base code from: 
    ;; ftp://ftp.cs.utexas.edu/pub/garbage/cs345/schintro-v13/schintro_99.html 

    (define (display-list a_list separater) 
    (if (null? a_list) 
     (display "") 
      (display (car a_list)) 
      (if (null? (cdr a_list)) 
       (display "") 
       (display separater)) 
      (display-list (cdr a_list) separater) 

    ;; Gets the Xth word in the 
    ;; provided file. 
    ;; Does not check for eof 
    ;; condition, so x must be 
    ;; within range of the file. 
    (define (get-word x file) 
     ((= 1 x) 
      (read file)) 
      (read file) 
      (get-word (- x 1) file) 

    ;; Returns a list of blanks 
    ;; equal to the number of 
    ;; letters in provided word. 

    (define (init-display-word game_word) 
     ((null? game_word) 
      (append (init-display-word (cdr game_word)) '("_")) 

    ;; Fills in the blank spaces 
    ;; in the display word with 
    ;; the letter that matches 
    ;; those positions in the 
    ;; game word. 

    (define (fill-in-guess letter game_word display_word) 
     ((null? game_word) 
     ((equal? letter (list (car game_word))) 
      (append letter (fill-in-guess letter (cdr game_word) (cdr display_word))) 
      (append (list (car display_word)) (fill-in-guess letter (cdr game_word) (cdr display_word))) 

    ;; Draws the hanging man. 

    (define (draw-hangman guesses_left) 
     (cond ((equal? guesses_left 6) 
       (display zero_wrong)) 
     (else (cond ((equal? guesses_left 5) 
       (display one_wrong)) 
     (else (cond ((equal? guesses_left 4) 
       (display two_wrong)) 
     (else (cond ((equal? guesses_left 3) 
       (display three_wrong)) 
     (else (cond ((equal? guesses_left 2) 
       (display four_wrong)) 
     (else (cond ((equal? guesses_left 1) 
       (display five_wrong)) 
     (else (display six_wrong)) 

「包含?」謂詞除了檢查值之外的其他值是否在列表中?如果沒有,請使用內置的Racket功能'member'而不是 – Jack 2014-10-01 07:35:26


否,它不會執行任何其他工作。我對Scheme相當陌生,所以我不熟悉很多內置的構造,但是非常感謝。我會在我的代碼中改變它。 – MrJman006 2014-10-01 11:12:19


如果答案解決了您的問題。請接受它。 – Rptx 2014-10-01 23:00:11



我對你的代碼做了一些修改。我已經在函數上面標註了我的更改,並對它們進行了解釋。你問題是你排序guessed_list。沒有必要這樣做。我已經測試過它,它工作。請記住,如果你調用game-loop與猜測的一個空列表就會報錯。爲了解決這個問題,你需要測試,如果guessed_list爲空,也爲減法返回0。我會把它留給你。 此外,在代碼中的許多地方,你有嵌套cond s表示是沒有必要的。在這裏閱讀:cond

(define game_word '("a" "b" "c")) 

(define zero_wrong " 

    |  | 








    (define one_wrong " 

    |  | 
    |  |. .| 






    (define two_wrong " 

    |  | 
    |  |. .| 
    |  | 
    |  | 




    (define three_wrong " 

    |  | 
    |  |. .| 
    |  | 
    |  | 




    (define four_wrong " 

    |  | 
    |  |. .| 
    |  | 
    |  | 




    (define five_wrong "|--------- 

    |  | 
    |  |. .| 
    |  | 
    |  | 
    |   \\ 



    (define six_wrong "|--------- 

    |  | 
    |  |x x| 
    |  | 
    |  | 
    |  /\\ 
     / \\ 




    ;; Read list value at x. 
(define (get-str-at x str_lst) 
    (cond ((equal? x 0) 
     (car str_lst)) 
     (get-str-at (- x 1) (cdr str_lst))))) 

    ;; Car operation for strings. 
(define (string-car str) 
    (substring str 0 1)) 

    ;; Cdr operation for strings. 
; *** This is enough. 
(define (string-cdr str) 
    (substring str 1)) 

    ;; Converts a string into a 
    ;; list of character strings. 

(define (string-to-char-string-list str) 
    ((equal? (string-cdr str) "") 
    (list str)) 
    ((append (list (string-car str)) (string-to-char-string-list (string-cdr str)))))) 

    ;; Tests if a list contains a spefified object. 
    ;; Method code from: 
    ;; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1869116/scheme-built-in-to-check-list-containment 
(define (contains? list item) 
    (if (empty? list) 
     (or (string=? (first list) item) 
      (contains? (rest list) item)))) 

    ;; Displays a list with the 
    ;; given separater. 
    ;; Base code from: 
    ;; ftp://ftp.cs.utexas.edu/pub/garbage/cs345/schintro-v13/schintro_99.html 

(define (display-list a_list separater) 
    (if (null? a_list) 
     (display "") 
     (display (car a_list)) 
     (if (null? (cdr a_list)) 
      (display "") 
      (display separater)) 
     (display-list (cdr a_list) separater)))) 

    ;; Gets the Xth word in the 
    ;; provided file. 
    ;; Does not check for eof 
    ;; condition, so x must be 
    ;; within range of the file. 
(define (get-word x file) 
    ((= 1 x) 
    (read file)) 
    (read file) 
    (get-word (- x 1) file)))) 

    ;; Returns a list of blanks 
    ;; equal to the number of 
    ;; letters in provided word. 

(define (init-display-word game_word) 
    ((null? game_word) 
    (append (init-display-word (cdr game_word)) '("_"))))) 

    ;; Fills in the blank spaces 
    ;; in the display word with 
    ;; the letter that matches 
    ;; those positions in the 
    ;; game word. 

; No need for append here. Just use cons when adding to the start of the list. 
; No need to nest conds 
(define (fill-in-guess letter game_word display_word) 
    ((null? game_word) 
    ((equal? letter (car game_word)) 
    (cons letter (fill-in-guess letter (cdr game_word) (cdr display_word)))) 
    (cons (car display_word) 
      (fill-in-guess letter (cdr game_word) (cdr display_word)))))) 

    ;; Draws the hanging man. 

; You used cond as an if/else statement. You can have multiple clauses in a cond. 
; You only need one final else cluase. 
(define (draw-hangman guesses_left) 
    (cond ((equal? guesses_left 6) 
     (display zero_wrong)) 
     ((equal? guesses_left 5) 
     (display one_wrong)) 
     ((equal? guesses_left 4) 
     (display two_wrong)) 
     ((equal? guesses_left 3) 
     (display three_wrong)) 
     ((equal? guesses_left 2) 
     (display four_wrong)) 
     ((equal? guesses_left 1) 
     (display five_wrong)) 
     (else (display six_wrong)))) 

; Don't sort the guessed-list. 
; You had display when guess left was 0. Not draw_hagman 
(define (game-loop guessed_list display_word mistakes_left) 
    (let ((n_mistakes_left 
     (- mistakes_left (if (contains? game_word (car guessed_list)) 
           0 1)))) 
    (if (= n_mistakes_left 0) 
     (draw-hangman n_mistakes_left);; End game output 
     (let ((display_word (fill-in-guess (car guessed_list) 
              game_word display_word))) 

      (display "You have guessed: ") 
      (display-list guessed_list ", ") 
      (display "\n\n") 
      (draw-hangman n_mistakes_left) 
      (display "\n\nWord: ") 
      (display-list display_word " ") 

      (cond ((contains? display_word "_") 
       (display "\n\nEnter a letter to guess: ") 
       (game-loop (cons (symbol->string (read)) guessed_list) 
          display_word n_mistakes_left)) 
       (else (display "\n\nYou Won!")))))))