我很努力得到這個層次結構與泛型一起工作。問題是Items是通用的,在繼承級別指定,因此我不能強制轉換回BaseItem,即當SpecialItem繼承BaseGroup時,從SpecialItem(Of ExtraSpecialItem)投射到IItemHost(Of BaseItem),因爲BaseGroup實現了IItemHost。鑄造通用接口到基類型
Public MustInherit Class BaseItem
Public Property ItemNameOrSomething As String
End Class
Public Interface IItemHost(Of TItemType As {BaseItem})
Property Items As BindingList(Of TItemType) '-- No Out parameter allowed :(
End Interface
Public Class BaseGroup(Of TGroup AS {BaseItem})
Inherits BaseItem
Implements IItemHost(Of TGroup)
'-- This is the key property, all BaseGroup implimentors need an Items property of their specific type
Public Property Items As New BindingList(Of TGroup)() Implements IItemHost(Of TGroup).Items
End Class
Public Class SpecialItem
Inherits BaseGroup(Of ExtraSpecialItem)
End Class
Public Class ExtraSpecialItem
Inherits BaseGroup(Of LeafItem)
End Class
Public Class LeafItem
Inherits BaseItem
End Class
Dim root = New SpecialItem()
root.ItemNameOrSomething = "Testing 1"
root.Items.Add(New ExtraSpecialItem() With {.ItemNameOrSomething = "Testing 2"})
'-- This specifically, no casting options available.
Dim item = CType(root, IItemHost(Of BaseItem))
Dim subItems = item.Items
Dim testing2Text = subItems.First().ItemNameOrSomething '-- = "Testing 2"
等一下......我可能已經解決了它... – Tom
不,我錯了,我認爲,通過對IItemHost指定BaseItem它會工作,但它意味着我不得不投SpecialItem的實例到CType(si,IItemHost(Of ExtraSpecialItem))。Items(用於訪問此對象上的Item)。 – Tom