2014-11-04 43 views


Sub FillInTotalWeight() 
' sort whole file by process order 

'this macro sums all the children weights in a process order 
'and then puts that total in column E for every child of the process order 

Dim nLastRow As Long 
Dim nRow As Long 
Dim wtTot As Long 
Dim nStop As Long 

'determine the last row 
nLastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 

'sort by process order 
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("zpr2013b").Sort.SortFields.Add _ 
    Key:=Range(Cells(1, "D"), Cells(nLastRow, "D")), _ 
    SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal 
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("zpr2013b").Sort 
    .SetRange Range(Cells(1, "A"), Cells(nLastRow, "q")) 
    .Header = xlYes 
    .MatchCase = False 
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom 
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin 
End With 

wtTot = Cells(2, "B").Value 

'go top to bottom and put the total weight of each process order 
'in the row of the last coil produced 
For nRow = 2 To nLastRow 
    If Cells(nRow, "D").Value = Cells(nRow + 1, "D").Value Then 
     wtTot = wtTot + Cells(nRow + 1, "B").Value 
     Cells(nRow, "E").Value = wtTot 
     wtTot = Cells(nRow + 1, "B").Value 
    End If 
Next nRow 

'go bottom to top and fill in all the blanks of the other coils 
For x = nLastRow To 2 Step -1 
    If Cells(x, "E").Value = "" Then 
     Cells(x, "E").Value = Cells(x + 1, "E").Value 
    End If 
Next x 

End Sub 

嘗試增加'Application.Screenupdating = FALSE'在你的代碼的頂部('子FillInTotalWeight'後)和'Application.Screenupdating =真'在'End Sub'之前的底部。這可能會加快你的代碼的速度。 – Daniel 2014-11-04 23:29:47




Sub FillInTotalWeight() 

    Dim ws As Worksheet 

    Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("zpr2013b") 

    ws.UsedRange.Sort Intersect(ws.UsedRange, ws.Columns("D")), xlAscending, Header:=xlYes 
    With Range("E2", ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Offset(, 1)) 
     .Formula = "=SUMIF(D:D,D" & .Row & ",B:B)" 
     .Value = .Value 
    End With 

End Sub