2017-03-05 50 views

Link to github project印刷MySQL的數據文件EJS與外鍵

我試圖從MySQL得到答案的問答題和節點/ Express應用程序使用EJS模板打印的形式。我無法弄清楚如何打印相應問題的正確答案。



  • 答案1#ID6
  • 答案2#ID7
  • 答案3#ID8


  • 答案1#ID9
  • 答案2#ID10
  • 答案3#ID11


[ { quizId: 2, 
    quizName: 'Bergskedjor', 
    dateCreated: '2017-03-03T15:14:02.000Z', 
    dateFinished: '2017-03-02T23:00:00.000Z', 
    times: 2, 
    score: 20 } ] 

[ { questionId: 2, 
    question: 'Vilket ├ñr v├ñrldens h├Âgsta berg?', 
    questionQuizid: 2 }, 
    { questionId: 3, 
    question: 'Vilket ├ñr v├ñrldens tredje h├Âgsta berg?', 
    questionQuizid: 2 } ] 

[ { answerId: 6, 
    answer: 'Question 1 Answer 1', 
    correct: 0, 
    answerQuestionid: 2 }, 
    { answerId: 7, 
    answer: 'Question 1 Answer 2', 
    correct: 1, 
    answerQuestionid: 2 }, 
    { answerId: 8, 
    answer: 'Question 1 Answer 3', 
    correct: 0, 
    answerQuestionid: 2 }, 

    { answerId: 9, 
    answer: 'Question 2 Answer 1', 
    correct: 0, 
    answerQuestionid: 3 }, 
    { answerId: 10, 
    answer: 'Question 2 Answer 2', 
    correct: 0, 
    answerQuestionid: 3 }, 
    { answerId: 11, 
    answer: 'Question 2 Answer 3', 
    correct: 1, 
    answerQuestionid: 3 } ] 


mysql> SELECT * FROM quiz; 
| quizId | quizName    | dateCreated   | dateFinished | times | score | 
|  1 | Solution to everything | 2017-03-03 16:14:02 | 2017-03-03 |  2 | 20 | 
|  2 | Bergskedjor   | 2017-03-03 16:14:02 | 2017-03-03 |  2 | 20 | 

mysql> SELECT * FROM question; 
| questionId | question         | questionQuizid | 
|   1 | What color is the Sky?     |    1 | 
|   2 | Vilket ├ñr v├ñrldens h├Âgsta berg?  |    2 | 
|   3 | Vilket ├ñr v├ñrldens tredje h├Âgsta berg? |    2 | 

mysql> SELECT * FROM answers; 
| answerId | answer    | correct | answerQuestionid | 
|  1 | Red     |  0 |    1 | 
|  2 | Green    |  0 |    1 | 
|  3 | Blue    |  1 |    1 | 
|  4 | Pink    |  0 |    1 | 
|  5 | Red     |  0 |    1 | 
|  6 | Question 1 Answer 1 |  0 |    2 | 
|  7 | Question 1 Answer 2 |  1 |    2 | 
|  8 | Question 1 Answer 3 |  0 |    2 | 
|  9 | Question 2 Answer 1 |  0 |    3 | 
|  10 | Question 2 Answer 2 |  0 |    3 | 
|  11 | Question 2 Answer 3 |  1 |    3 | 


     <% loadQuizes.forEach(function (quizes) { %> 
      <h2><%= quizes.quizName %></h2> 
     <% }) %> 
    <form action="/takequiz" method="POST"> 
     <% quizQuestions.forEach(function (questions) { %> 
      <div class="well well-sm"> 
       <h3><%= questions.question %></h3> 
        <% answers.forEach(function (ans) { %> 
        <%= ans.answer %><br> 
        <% }) %> 
      </div> <!-- well --> 
     <% }) %> 


Question 1 #id2 

- answer 1 #id6 
- answer 2 #id7 
- answer 3 #id8 
- answer 1 #id9 
- answer 2 #id10 
- answer 3 #id11 

Question 2 #id3 

- answer 1 #id6 
- answer 2 #id7 
- answer 3 #id8 
- answer 1 #id9 
- answer 2 #id10 
- answer 3 #id11 




SELECT * FROM answers WHERE answerQuestionid IN (SELECT questionId FROM question WHERE questionQuizid = ?


<% quizQuestions.forEach(function (question) { %> 
    <div class="well well-sm"> 
    <h3><%= question.question %></h3> 
    <% answers.forEach(function (ans) { %> 
     <% if (ans.answerQuestionid === question.questionId) { %> 
     <%= ans.answer %><br> 
     <% } %> 
    <% }) %> 
    </div> <!-- well --> 
<% }) %> 

是的,我在想如何實現邏輯,但我自己的邏輯是累哈哈。 這工作!你先生是最棒的!謝謝 –