2013-11-26 62 views

這是一個toString方法,用於格式化多項式的項並將它們添加到字符串中。它的最終輸出就像是「+ 2x^2 + 2x + 1」。我會如何去除第一個加號?由於toString方法多項式

//toString method for returning ReesePolynomials in polynomaial format(for ReeseClient) 
     public String toString() 
      String output = ""; 
      //the following are situations for formatting the output of each term and adding them to String output 
      for (int i = 0; i < TermLength; i++) // For the number of terms stated by the user earlier, values will be given for each ReeseTerm in the poly array 
       if (poly[i].getExpo() == 0 && poly[i].getCoeff() > 0)  
        output += " + " + poly[i].getCoeff(); 

       else if (poly[i].getExpo() == 0 && poly[i].getCoeff() < 0) 
        output += " " + poly[i].getCoeff(); 

       else if (poly[i].getCoeff() == 1 && (poly[i].getExpo() != 0 && poly[i].getExpo() != 1)) 
        output += " + x^" + poly[i].getExpo(); 

       else if (poly[i].getCoeff() == 1 && (poly[i].getExpo() == 1)) 
        output += " + x";  

       else if (poly[i].getExpo() == 1 && poly[i].getCoeff() > 0) 
        output += " + " + poly[i].getCoeff() + "x"; 

       else if (poly[i].getExpo() == 1 && poly[i].getCoeff() < 0) 
        output += " " + poly[i].getCoeff() + "x"; 

       else if (poly[i].getCoeff() < 0 && (poly[i].getExpo() > 1 || poly[i].getExpo() < -1)) 
        output += " " + poly[i].getCoeff() + "x^" + poly[i].getExpo(); 

       else if (poly[i].getCoeff() == 0) 

        output += " + " + poly[i].getCoeff() + "x^" + poly[i].getExpo(); 


     return output;  // the final string output is returned to be printed when called upon in main 

不要把它放在那裏擺在首位。 – EJP


除了在極少數情況下(例如,遞歸瀏覽列表並將其打印到控制檯或某些類別時)之外,這比固定fencepost問題困難得多。 –


@BigEndian我不同意。不犯錯誤比在完成之後修復它要簡單得多。 – EJP



output = output.subString(2);
return output;