2016-05-28 24 views


enter code // Numbers from command line arguments are sent to child process 
// from parent process one at a time through pipe. 
// Child process adds up numbers sent through pipe. 
// Child process returns sum of numbers to parent process. 
// Parent process prints sum of numbers. 

static int com[2]; 

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    pid_t pid; 

    // set up pipe 

    if (pipe(com)) 
     printf("pipe error\n"); 
     return -1; 

    //call fork() 

    pid = fork(); 

    if (pid == 0) 
     // -- running in child process -- 

     int    sum = 0; 
     int    input = 0; 

     //close output end of pipe 


     // Receive characters from parent process via pipe 
     // one at a time, and count them. 

     for (int idx = 1; idx < argc; idx++) //stared idx at 1 instead of 0 
       read(com[0], &input, 4); //changed from 4 
       sum = sum + input; 
       printf("child sum: %i \n", sum); // error checking 

     // Return sum of numbers. 

     return sum; 
    else { 
      // -- running in parent process -- 

      int sum; 

      //close output end of pipe 


      // Send numbers (datatype: int, 4 bytes) from command line arguments 
      // starting with argv[1] one at a time through pipe to child process. 

      for (int idx = 1; idx < argc; idx++) 
        int output = 0; 

        output = atoi(argv[idx]); 
        write(com[1], &output, 4); 
        printf("output: %i \n", output);// error checking 


      // Wait for child process to return. Reap child process. 
      // Receive sum of numbers via the value returned when 
      // the child process is reaped. 

      waitpid(pid, &sum, 0); 

      printf("sum = %d\n", sum); 

      return 0; 



好像它在我的移位位進行檢查。 – ShiggityMiggity


退出狀態存儲在退出狀態的高位8位,有效地將您的總和乘以256.您的總和也限制爲255. –


您最好閱讀子進程的標準輸出。首先是測試更容易,它允許您接受超過256的總和。命令返回的* status *僅用於狀態:將其用於錯誤條件,但將stdout用於有意義的數據。 –



man page



    returns true if the child terminated normally, that is, by 
    calling exit(3) or _exit(2), or by returning from main(). 

    returns the exit status of the child. This consists of the 
    least significant 8 bits of the status argument that the child 
    specified in a call to exit(3) or _exit(2) or as the argument 
    for a return statement in main(). This macro should only be 
    employed if WIFEXITED returned true. 

嘿,謝謝你幫忙Hurkyl = D – ShiggityMiggity
