我使用jquery窗體嚮導來分兩步顯示錶單。在繼續第二步之前,我使用jQuery表單插件在步驟1中對錶單字段進行ajax驗證。第一步後,jquery formwizard停止表單插件(ajax)
<script type="text/javascript">
formPluginEnabled: true,
validationEnabled: true,
focusFirstInput : true,
remoteAjax : {"first" : { // add a remote ajax call when moving next from the second step
url : "/validate",
dataType : 'json',
beforeSend : function(){alert("Starting validation.")},
complete : function(){alert("Validation complete.")},
success : function(data){
if(!(data.geldig)){ // change this value to false in validate.html to simulate successful validation
return false; //return false to stop the wizard from going forward to the next step (this will always happen)
return true; //return true to make the wizard move to the next step