<Program> Welcome to the checkout counter! How many items are you purchasing today?
<User> 3 (user presses Enter key)
<Program> Please enter the name of product 1:
<User> chicken (user presses Enter key)
<Program> And how much does chicken cost?
<User> 3.50 (user presses Enter key)
<Program> Please enter the name of product 2:
<User> chips (user presses Enter key)
<Program> And how much does chips cost?
<User> 1.25 (user presses Enter key)
<Program> Please enter the name of product 3:
<User> gum (user presses Enter key)
<Program> And how much does gum cost?
<User> .99 (user presses Enter key)
Your order was:
chicken $3.50
chips $1.25
gum $.99
Your subtotal comes to $5.74. With 9% sales tax, your total is $6.19.
Please enter cash amount:
<User> 20.00 (user presses Enter key)
I owe you back $13.81.
Thank you for shopping with us!
numitems = int(input("Welcome to the checkout counter! How many items are you purchasing today?"))
products = []
prices = []
for item in range(1, numitems + 1):
product = raw_input ("Please enter the name of product %u:" %item)
price = (raw_input("And how much does %s cost?" %product))
Price = str(float(price))
print "Your order was"
for i in range (len(products)):
print products[i], "$" + prices[i]
您將價格存儲爲字符串 - 這就是爲什麼您無法將它們加總。分配'Price'時刪除'str()',你應該能夠將它們相加。您還需要將您的電話更新爲'print':'print products [i],「$」+ str(prices [i])'...... –
謝謝!這顯然非常有幫助! – Maddie