2014-01-23 21 views
public class MyObject 
    public static enum Type {A, B, C, D;} 

    public static final int ID_MAIN = 1; 
    public static final int ID_MAIN_UK = 2; 
    public static final int ID_MAIN_US = 3; 
    public static final int ID_SUB = 4; 
    // lots more constants here 

    public static final String DESCRIPTION_1 = "Desc Full Name"; 
    public static final String DESCRIPTION_2 = "Desc2 Full Name"; 
    // lots more constants here 

    private int id; 

    public MyObject(final int id) 
     this.id = id; 

    //simple getter 
    public int getID() { return this.id;} 

    // real responsibility of the class is in the following two methods 
    public static String getDescription() 
       case MyObject.ID_MAIN: 
       case MyObject.ID_MAIN_UK: 
        return MyObject.DESCRIPTION_1; 
       case MyObject.ID_SUB: 
        return MyObject_Description_2; 
        // throw IllegalArgException 

    public static Type getType(int id) 
      case MyObject.ID_MAIN: 
      case MyObject.ID_SUB: 
       return Type.A; 
      case MyObject.ID_MAIN_UK: 
      case MyObject.ID_MAIN_US: 
       return Type.B; 
       return Type.Undefined; 




class Manager 
    private HashMap<int, MyObject> objectMap; 

    public Manager() {} //construct the object map 
    public String getDescription(int id) { return objectMap.get(id).getDescription();} 
    public Type getType(int id) { return objectMap.get(id).getType();} 

class DataContainer 
    private String description; 
    private Type type; 

    public DataContainer(String desc, Type type) {//set mem vars} 
    public String getDescription() //simple getter 
    public Type getType() //simple getter 



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@重定向mdewitt:OP顯然不會要求CR。代碼審查從作者認爲接近完美的代碼開始。在這裏作者問如何解決*特定的問題*,代碼只是一個例子。 – maaartinus




public enum Type 

    MAIN(1, "Main Description"), 
    MAIN_UK(2, "Main UK Description"), 
    //Define all the types 
    UNKNOWN(-1, "Unknown Type"); 

    private int id; 
    private String description; 

    private Type(int id, String description) 
     this.id = id; 
     this.description = description; 

    public static Type getById(int id) 
     for (Type type : Type.values()) 
      if (id == type.getId()) 
       return type; 

     return Type.UNKNOWN; 

    public final int getId() 
     return id; 

    public final String getDescription() 
     return description; 

public class MyObject 
    private int id; 
    private Type type; 

    public MyObject(int id) 
     this.id = id; 
     this.type = Type.getById(id); 

    public int getId() 
     return id; 

    public Type getType() 
     return type; 

    public String getDescription() 
     return type.getDescription(); 


public enum Type { 
     MAIN(1, "desc1"), 
     UK(2, "desc2"), 
     SUB(4, "desc4"); 

     private int id; 
     private String desc; 

     Type(int id, String desc) { 
      this.id = id; 
      this.desc = desc; 
     public String getDescription() { 
      return desc; 

     public int getType() { 
      //return id; 
      return 1+2 + 3+ id; 
