2015-09-17 46 views

我用了喲角Fullstack發生器(https://github.com/DaftMonk/generator-angular-fullstack),並啓動一個應用程序,然後試圖通過這樣做,從亭子安裝Toastr -如何包括庫文件(CSS/JS)在角fullstack基於應用

bower install angular-toastr 

現在我想添加toastr css和js文件。它們都位於



的文件夾結構如下 -

├── client 
│ ├── app     - All of our app specific components go in here 
│ ├── assets    - Custom assets: fonts, images, etc… 
│ ├── components   - Our reusable components, non-specific to to our app 
├── e2e      - Our protractor end to end tests 
└── server 
    ├── api     - Our apps server api 
    ├── auth    - For handling authentication with different auth strategies 
    ├── components   - Our reusable or app-wide components 
    ├── config    - Where we do the bulk of our apps configuration 
    │ └── local.env.js - Keep our environment variables out of source control 
    │ └── environment  - Configuration specific to the node environment 
    └── views    - Server rendered views 




我使用.NET BundleConfig用於縮小率,所以我的任務設置是這樣的:

wiredep: { 
     task: { 
      src: [ 
      ignorePath: '..', 
      fileTypes: { 
       cs: { 
        block: /(([ \t]*)\/\/\s*bower:*(\S*))(\n|\r|.)*?(\/\/\s*endbower)/gi, 
        detect: { 
         js: /<script.*src=['"](.+)['"]>/gi, 
         css: /<link.*href=['"](.+)['"]/gi 
        replace: { 
         js: '.Include("~{{filePath}}")', 
         css: '.Include("~{{filePath}}")' 
      dependencies: true, 
      devDependencies: false 


bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/thirdparty") 
      //NOTE: auto-generated by a grunt task 
      //anything between 'bower:js' and 'endbower' WILL BE LOST! 

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/css") 
      //NOTE: auto-generated by a grunt task 
      //anything between 'bower:css' and 'endbower' WILL BE LOST! 

正如我所說的,我使用.NET BundleConfing,但是,您可以使用和標籤。我想你只需要從grunt任務配置中刪除選項replace


我不太瞭解bundle,我不確定我的默認grunt文件是否使用它。因此,如果我將任務粘貼到grunt文件中並使用像bower這樣的標籤:js和endbower會是正確的方式嗎? – DeadMan


我對bundle並不瞭解,我不確定我的默認grunt文件是否使用它。因此,如果我將任務粘貼到grunt文件中並使用像bower這樣的標籤:js和endbower會是正確的方式嗎? – DeadMan


是的,沒錯。你不必使用捆綁。只是這些標籤涼亭:js,endbower你想要你的js/css引用的文件被引用,你應該很好。投票,如果它幫助,乾杯! – ThiagoPXP