2013-02-14 65 views



else if (gender == 'F' || gender == 'f') { 
    cout << "Please enter your Height in inches. (You may include a decimal) "; 
    cin >> height; 

    cout << "Please enter your Weight in pounds as a whole number. "; 
    cin >> weight; 

    cout << "Please enter your Age in years. "; 
    cin >> age; 
    cout << endl; 

    if (activity_level = 'SA' || activity_level = 'sa' || activity_level = 'LA' || activity_level = 'la' || 
     activity_level = 'MA' || activity_level = 'ma' || activity_level = 'VA' || activity_level = 'va') { 
     cout << "Please enter your activity level." << endl << endl; 
     cout << "You may enter one of the following choices." << endl << endl; 
     cout << "Sedentary (Little or no exercise) \"SA\" or \"sa\" " << endl; 
     cout << "Lightly Active (Light exercise/sports 1-3 days a week) \"LA\" or \"la\" " << endl; 
     cout << "Moderately Active (Moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days a week) \"MA\" or \"ma\" " << endl; 
     cout << "Very Active (Hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) \"VA\" or \"va\" " << endl << endl; 
     cout << "Enter your activity level now. "; 
     cin >> activity_level; 
     cout << endl; 
    // Output for the message to defualt to Sedentary if you do not select activity level throught he proper input. 
    else { 
     activity_level = 
     cout << "I'm sorry I did not recogonize that activity level. We will assume a sedentary amount of exercise. " 

基本上我在想,如果我在做什麼;在else if聲明中使用另一個if語句將解決,我想知道如果我現在設置它的方式會產生所需的結果。


'activity_level ='SA''對'activity_level'做了*賦值*而不是比較。 'activity_level ==「SA」'是一個比較。 – 2013-02-14 16:35:15


爲什麼在用戶有機會輸入之前檢查activity_level? – 2013-02-14 16:37:11


好點,我至少在發佈之後看到了這個錯誤。 – user2072795 2013-02-14 16:38:29




//Assume activity_level has had something assigned to it, to compare to. 

    if (activity_level == "SA" || activity_level == "sa" || activity_level == "LA" || activity_level == "la" || 
     activity_level == "MA" || activity_level == "ma" || activity_level == "VA" || activity_level == "va") 
     //Do stuff if input is valid 
    // Output for the message to defualt to Sedentary if you do not select activity level throught he proper input. 
     activity_level = "SA"; 
     std::cout << "I'm sorry I did not recogonize that activity level. We will assume a sedentary amount of exercise."; 



感謝您的幫助。欣賞它。 – user2072795 2013-02-14 16:51:31


