public static int mystery(int m, int n) {
int result = 1;
if (m > 0) {
result = n * mystery(m-1, n);
System.out.println (m + " " + result);
return result;
讓我們開始用M = 3和n = 4,讓我們試着通過努力成爲調試器來模擬它...
int result = 1
if(3 > 0){
result = 4 * mystery(3-1,4);
//We proceed from this point only after evaluating mystery(2,4)
int result = 1
if(2 > 0){
result = 4*mystery(2-1,4);
//Now we have to evaluate mystery(1,4)
int result = 1;
if(1 > 0){
result = 4*mystery(1-1,4);
//Evaluate mystery(0,4)
int result = 1;
if(0 > 0){
//Not evaluated
System.out.println(0 + " "+1);
return 1;
}...mystery(0,4) done continue with evaluation of mystery(1,4)
result = 4*1 //1 is what is returned by mystery(0,4)
System.out.println(1+ "" + 4);
return 4;
}//done with the evaluation of mystery(1,4), resume evaluation of mystery(2,4)
result = 4*4 //4 is the value returned by mystery(1,4)
System.out.println(2 + " " + 16);
return 16;
}//At this point we are done with evaluating (2,4) and on the way to resume evaluation of mystery(3,4)
result = 4 * 16
System.out.println(3 + " "+ 64)
return 64;
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這是你的作業嗎? – bfontaine
不,我想通過這個例子瞭解遞歸 – JavaStudent12344