- 爲什麼Play不接受我的申請?
- 的Scala:Scala代碼亞軍版本2.9.2 - 版權所有2002-2011,LAMP/EPFL
- 播放2.2.1
/play-2.2.1$ ./play new hello
_ __ | | __ _ _ _
| '_ \| |/ _' | || |
| __/|_|\____|\__/
|_| |__/
play 2.2.1 built with Scala 2.10.2 (running Java 1.7.0_40), http://www.playframework.com
The new application will be created in /home/<user>/programming/play-2.2.1/hello
What is the application name? [hello]
Which template do you want to use for this new application?
1 - Create a simple Scala application
2 - Create a simple Java application
> 1
OK, application hello is created.
Have fun!
~/programming/play-2.2.1$ ./play eclipsify hello
_ __ | | __ _ _ _
| '_ \| |/ _' | || |
| __/|_|\____|\__/
|_| |__/
play 2.2.1 built with Scala 2.10.2 (running Java 1.7.0_40), http://www.playframework.com
This is not a play application!
Use `play new` to create a new Play application in the current directory,
or go to an existing application and launch the development console using `play`.
You can also browse the complete documentation at http://www.playframework.com.