//Initialize semaphore to 0. Then each time a thread is spawned it will call
//semWait() making the value negative and blocking that thread. Once all of the
//threads are created, semSignal() will be called to release each of the threads
//Spawn all of the opener threads, 1 for each valve
pthread_t threads[T_Valve_Numbers];
int check;
//Loop starts at 1 instead of the standard 0 so that numbering of valves
//is somewhat more logical.
for(int i =1; i <= T_Valve_Numbers;i++)
cout<<"Creating thread: "<<i<<endl;
check=pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, Valve_Handler,(void*)&i);
cout <<"Couldn't create thread "<<i<<" Error: "<<check<<endl;
//Release all of the blocked threads now that they have all been created
for(int i =1; i<=T_Valve_Numbers;i++)
//Make the main process wait for all the threads before terminating
for(int i =1; i<=T_Valve_Numbers;i++)
return 0;
void* Valve_Handler(void* threadNumArg)
int threadNum = *((int *)threadNumArg);
sem_wait(&threadCreation);//Blocks the thread until all are spawned
cout<<"I'm thread "<<threadNum<<endl;
當T_Valve_Numbers = 10,一些示例輸出:
Creating thread: 1
Creating thread: 2
Creating thread: 3
Creating thread: 4
Creating thread: 5
Creating thread: 6
Creating thread: 7
Creating thread: 8
Creating thread: 9
Creating thread: 10
I'm thread 11 //Where is 11 coming from?
I'm thread 8
I'm thread 3
I'm thread 4
I'm thread 10
I'm thread 9
I'm thread 7
I'm thread 3
I'm thread 6
I'm thread 6 //How do I have 2 6's?
Creating thread: 1
Creating thread: 2
Creating thread: 3
Creating thread: 4
Creating thread: 5
Creating thread: 6
Creating thread: 7
Creating thread: 8
Creating thread: 9
Creating thread: 10
I'm thread 11
I'm thread 8
I'm thread 8
I'm thread 4
I'm thread 4
I'm thread 8
I'm thread 10
I'm thread 3
I'm thread 9
I'm thread 8 //Now '8' showed up 3 times
傳的我,而不是它的地址的值,到線程。 – Kevin 2014-10-19 16:04:47
正如我下面所說的,我必須傳遞一個'void *'類型,而我的編譯器不允許我直接從int中進行投射。我無法找到/想出任何其他方式。 – art3m1sm00n 2014-10-19 16:10:36