function introAnimation() {
// creating the canvas
var paper = new Raphael(document.getElementById('mainCanvas'), '100%', '100%');
var canvasWidth = 500;
var canvasHeight = 500;
var offset = .6;
// speed of circle getting bigger
var speed1 = 1000;
// speed of circles diverging
var speed2 = 1200;
var hide = Raphael.animation({'opacity': 0});
// ellipse variable instantiation
var cRadius = 105;
var diam = cRadius*2;
// centerpoint
var cX = canvasWidth/2;
var cY = canvasHeight/2;
var circ1 = paper.ellipse(cX, cY, 10, 10);
circ1.attr({opacity: 1, stroke: '#777'});
var circRed = paper.ellipse(cX, cY, cRadius, cRadius).attr({opacity: 0, stroke: '#777'});
var circGreen = paper.ellipse(cX, cY, cRadius, cRadius).attr({opacity: 0, stroke: '#777'});
var circBlue = paper.ellipse(cX, cY, cRadius, cRadius).attr({opacity: 0, stroke: '#777'});
//red, green, blue watermarks, and logo
var redWatermark = paper.image('images/circle_red.png', cX-50, cY-50, 100, 100).attr({opacity: 0});
var greenWatermark = paper.image('images/circle_green.png', cX-50, cY, 100, 100).attr({opacity: 0});
var blueWatermark = paper.image('images/circle_blue.png', cX-50, cY, 100, 100).attr({opacity: 0});
var logoWidth = 60;
var logoHeight = 30;
var logo = paper.image('images/CMS_logo_only.png', cX-(logoWidth/2), cY*1.04, logoWidth*.95, logoHeight*.95).attr({opacity: 0});
var letterOffset = cRadius*1.2;
// circle centerpoints xR, yR: center of red; xG, yG: center of green; xB, yB: center of blue
var xR = cX; var yR = cY-cRadius*offset;
var xG = cX-cRadius*offset; var yG = cY+cRadius*offset;
var xB = cX+cRadius*offset; var yB = cY+cRadius*offset;
// insert CMS letter text
var c = paper.text(xR-Math.cos(.8)*letterOffset, yR-Math.sin(.8)*letterOffset, "c.").attr({fill: '#737373', 'font-size': '25px', 'font-family': 'IMFELLDWPicaItalic', opacity: 0});
var m = paper.text(xG+Math.cos(5*Math.PI/4)*letterOffset, yG-Math.sin(5*Math.PI/4)*letterOffset, "m.").attr({fill: '#737373', 'font-size': '25px', 'font-family': 'IMFELLDWPicaItalic', opacity: 0});
var s = paper.text(xB+Math.cos(0)*letterOffset, yB-Math.sin(0)*letterOffset, "s.").attr({fill: '#737373', 'font-size': '25px', 'font-family': 'IMFELLDWPicaItalic', opacity: 0});
// white overlap
// Three points of overlap:
var pointTopX = cX; var pointTopY = cY-(cRadius*.2);
var pointLeftX = cX-(cRadius*.365); var pointLeftY = cY+(cRadius*.33);
var pointRightX = cX+(cRadius*.365); var pointRightY = cY+(cRadius*.33);
var pathString = 'M'+pointTopX+' '+pointTopY+'A'+cRadius+' '+cRadius+' '+xG+' '+yG;
var pathString = "M"+pointTopX+" "+pointTopY+','
var overlapFill = paper.path(pathString).attr({'stroke-width': 0, fill: '#fff', opacity: 0});
var overlapPath = paper.path(pathString).attr({opacity: 0});
//resize circle
circ1.animate({ 'rx': cRadius, 'ry': cRadius }, speed1, function() {
//hide it once it's done
circ1.animate({opacity: 0}, 0);
//show other circles
circRed.animate({opacity: 1}, 0);
circGreen.animate({opacity: 1}, 0);
circBlue.animate({opacity: 1}, 0);
//move other circles
circRed.animate({cy: cY-cRadius*offset, rx: cRadius, ry: cRadius}, speed2);
circGreen.animate({cx: cX-cRadius*offset, cy: cY+cRadius*offset, rx: cRadius, ry: cRadius}, speed2);
circBlue.animate({cx: cX+cRadius*offset, cy: cY+cRadius*offset, rx: cRadius, ry: cRadius}, speed2);
logo.animate({opacity: 1}, speed2);
//move to center
redWatermark.attr({width: diam, height: diam, x: imgX(cX, diam), y: imgY(cY, diam)});
greenWatermark.attr({width: diam, height: diam, x: imgX(cX, diam), y: imgY(cY, diam)});
blueWatermark.attr({width: diam, height: diam, x: imgX(cX, diam), y: imgY(cY, diam)});
//animate out
redWatermark.animate({y: imgY(cY-cRadius*offset, diam), opacity: .35}, speed2);
greenWatermark.animate({x: imgX(cX-cRadius*offset, diam), y: imgY(cY+cRadius*offset, diam), opacity: .35}, speed2);
blueWatermark.animate({x: imgX(cX+cRadius*offset, diam), y: imgY(cY+cRadius*offset, diam), opacity: .35}, speed2, function() {
c.animate({opacity: 1}, 1000); m.animate({opacity: 1}, 1000); s.animate({opacity: 1}, 1000);
overlapFill.animate({opacity: 1}, 1000); overlapPath.animate({opacity: .3}, 1000);
//nav slide in
redWatermark.hover(function() {
redWatermark.mouseout(function() {
greenWatermark.hover(function() {
greenWatermark.mouseout(function() {
blueWatermark.hover(function() {
blueWatermark.mouseout(function() {
使用flash!開玩笑。 – maxedison