2015-01-09 121 views


#Write a line of code to produce a barchart of Weight by groups of Height 
#using the barchart function 

from plotting import * 

Height=[65.78, 71.52, 69.4, 68.22, 67.79, 68.7, 69.8, 70.01, 67.9, 66.78, 
66.49, 67.62, 68.3, 67.12, 68.28, 71.09, 66.46, 68.65, 71.23, 67.13, 67.83, 
68.88, 63.48, 68.42, 67.63, 67.21, 70.84, 67.49, 66.53, 65.44, 69.52, 65.81, 
67.82, 70.6, 71.8, 69.21, 66.8, 67.66, 67.81, 64.05, 68.57, 65.18, 69.66, 67.97, 
65.98, 68.67, 66.88, 67.7, 69.82, 69.09] 

Weight=[112.99, 136.49, 153.03, 142.34, 144.3, 123.3, 141.49, 136.46, 
112.37, 120.67, 127.45, 114.14, 125.61, 122.46, 116.09, 140.0, 129.5, 142.97, 
137.9, 124.04, 141.28, 143.54, 97.9, 129.5, 141.85, 129.72, 142.42, 131.55, 
108.33, 113.89, 103.3, 120.75, 125.79, 136.22, 140.1, 128.75, 141.8, 121.23, 
131.35, 106.71, 124.36, 124.86, 139.67, 137.37, 106.45, 128.76, 145.68, 116.82, 
143.62, 134.93] 

barchart(Height, Weight) 


enter image description here





您是否期望我們運行Python來查看條形圖的外觀?順便說一句。一個barplot可能不是說明線性關係的最佳選擇。另外:http://www.statmethods.net/graphs/bar.html – Roland




Height=c(65.78, 71.52, 69.4, 68.22, 67.79, 68.7, 69.8, 70.01, 67.9, 66.78, 
     66.49, 67.62, 68.3, 67.12, 68.28, 71.09, 66.46, 68.65, 71.23, 67.13, 67.83, 
     68.88, 63.48, 68.42, 67.63, 67.21, 70.84, 67.49, 66.53, 65.44, 69.52, 65.81, 
     67.82, 70.6, 71.8, 69.21, 66.8, 67.66, 67.81, 64.05, 68.57, 65.18, 69.66, 67.97, 
     65.98, 68.67, 66.88, 67.7, 69.82, 69.09) 

Weight=c(112.99, 136.49, 153.03, 142.34, 144.3, 123.3, 141.49, 136.46, 
     112.37, 120.67, 127.45, 114.14, 125.61, 122.46, 116.09, 140.0, 129.5, 142.97, 
     137.9, 124.04, 141.28, 143.54, 97.9, 129.5, 141.85, 129.72, 142.42, 131.55, 
     108.33, 113.89, 103.3, 120.75, 125.79, 136.22, 140.1, 128.75, 141.8, 121.23, 
     131.35, 106.71, 124.36, 124.86, 139.67, 137.37, 106.45, 128.76, 145.68, 116.82, 
     143.62, 134.93) 

plot(Height, Weight) 

enter image description here


plot(Height, Weight, type="h") 




  1. 首先創建變量Height有序因素:

    f <- cut(Height, 5, ordered_result = TRUE) 
  2. 在此基礎上有序的因素,總的權重:

    y <- tapply(Weight, f, mean) 
  3. 和情節:

    barplot(y, col="steelblue", border=NA, xlab="Height", ylab="Weight") 

enter image description here


我的思路是在高度上創建一個有序的因子變量,將其分組爲5箱,然後繪製該變量。 – chribonn


@chribonn在這種情況下,你正在尋找一個直方圖。見'?hist'。 –