var questionsArray = [];
//Create counters for both correct answers and current question
var correctAnswers = 0;
var currentQuestion = 0;
//Contructor Function to create questions
function Question (question, choices, answer){
this.question = question;
this.choices = choices;
this.answer = answer;
//Question Creations
questionsArray.push(new Question(...
//In order to be able to check what radio is click you have to change to value of the radio buttons to the correct answer.
$('#submit').on('click', function(){
currentQuestion ++;
var answer = $('input[name="1"]:checked').val(); //By creating the answer variable we are able to store which radio button value is submitted.
if(answer == questionsArray[0]['answer']){
correctAnswers ++;
$('.jumbotron').append(answer + "?<br><br> That's correct! You have " + correctAnswers + " out of 10 correct!");
} else {
$('.jumbotron').append(answer+ "? <br><br> Oh dear, that's so so wrong! You have " + correctAnswers + " out of 10 correct");
return false;
哪裏是你的循環附加的所有問題上,而不只是一個索引0? – Alex
你可以發佈'questionsArray.push的完整代碼嗎?(新問題(...' –
當你在這裏,考慮發佈一個jsFiddle。 – Alex