我正在嘗試將單個頁面應用程序同時進行分面搜索和分頁。我對Knockout相當陌生,而我正在努力將這兩個概念聯繫在一起。Knockout JS Paging and Facet Search
function ProductDimensionsViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.dimensions = ko.observableArray();
var baseUri = 'api/product_dimensions.php';
$.getJSON(baseUri, self.dimensions);
//self.dimensions.subscribe(function(updated) {
// alert(updated);
// });
self.filterByBrand = ko.computed(function() {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.dimensions(), function(dimension) { return dimension.type == "BRAND"; })
self.filterByArea = ko.computed(function() {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.dimensions(), function(dimension) { return dimension.type == "AREA"; })
self.filterByType = ko.computed(function() {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.dimensions(), function(dimension) { return dimension.type == "TYPE"; })
self.filterByBrandMenu = ko.computed(function() {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.dimensions(), function(dimension) { return dimension.type == "BRAND" && dimension.menuItem == "YES"})
self.filterByAreaMenu = ko.computed(function() {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.dimensions(), function(dimension) { return dimension.type == "AREA" && dimension.menuItem == "YES"})
self.filterByTypeMenu = ko.computed(function() {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.dimensions(), function(dimension) { return dimension.type == "TYPE" && dimension.menuItem =="YES" })
self.products = ko.observableArray();
$.getJSON("api/products", self.products);
* Paging functionality
// only for example, used to demonstrate setting the total item count from a service call.
self.SetTotalResults = ko.observable(100);
// holds the total item count
self.TotalResults = ko.observable();
// actual pager, used to bind to the pager's template
// first parameter must be an observable or function which returns the current 'total item count'.
// it is wrapped in a ko.computed inside the pager.
self.Pager = ko.pager(self.TotalResults);
// Subscribe to current page changes.
self.Pager().CurrentPage.subscribe(function() {
self.search = function() {
// simulate a search
// ie.:
var maximumRows = self.Pager().PageSize(),
searchText = self.SearchText(),
startIndex = (self.Pager().CurrentPage() - 1) * maximumRows;
myService.search(searchText, startIndex, maximumRows)
.done(function(result) {
// set your own results etc...
// setting 'total results'. This should be in your result callback
// in this example we grab it from the form.
var totalItemCount = self.SetTotalResults();
- 如何篩選基於複選框的產品左側
- 如何分頁功能鏈接到產品的結果。
感謝所有幫助 羅布
感謝您的幫助。我還有一些問題。 1.如何設置複選框的初始狀態(參見下面) {「id」:「1」,「type」:「AREA」,「name」:「Fine Dining」,「Description」 :「blah blah blah」,「menuItem」:「YES」,「active」:ko.observable(true)} 我的模板現在看起來像這樣。 這樣做確實可以與我放入的過濾器一起使用地方,但我確信它不正確的必須轉儲出這樣的JSON,使其工作。 –
不確定我是否遵循,但如果您問如何初始填充過濾器數組,您可以使用ko.observableArray作爲filters數組,然後用filters.push(...)每個過濾器作爲從Ajax獲得項目呼叫等「。 – 7zark7