2015-08-28 29 views


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提供更多信息。 –


當我將在中央區塊顯示更多信息時,我必須隱藏頁面底部的頁腳。現在在瀏覽器窗口底部的頁腳地下室。 –


你可以創建一個你的問題的演示嗎?我猜你正在使用'position:fixed' –



您當前的代碼存在的問題是,#wrapper沒有position: relative。所以#footer被絕對定位到視口。

body { 
    height: 100%; 
#wrapper { 
    min-height: 100%; 
    position: relative; 
#header { 
    background: #ededed; 
    padding: 10px; 
#content { 
    padding-bottom: 100px; 
    /* Height of the footer element */ 
#footer { 
    position: absolute; 
    bottom: 0; 
    height: 100px; 
    background: #ededed; 
    width: 100%; 

    <div id="wrapper"> 

    <div id="header"> 
    <!-- #header --> 

    <div id="content"> 
     Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom 
     of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result Global information (When information 
     more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, 
     footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer 
     stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay 
     in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When 
     information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information 
     more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. 
     Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer 
     stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When 
     information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the 
     line between CSS and Result Global information (When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont 
     hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows)(When information more, footer dont hidden. Footer stay in the bottom of windows) Pull the line between CSS and Result 
    <!-- #content --> 

    <div id="footer"> 
    <!-- #footer --> 

    <!-- #wrapper --> 




謝謝。是工作。 –


很高興它的工作,帕維爾! :) –