2015-02-24 89 views


"userName":"Ganesh ", 
"Title":"Check HelloMLA ", 
"Description":"This is to check HelloMLA app after finishing image upload and download ", 
"DOS":"02\/18\/15 21:14", 
"Ago":"5 days ago", 
"userName":"Ganesh ", 
"Title":"Check HelloMLA 2", 
"Description":"This is to check HelloMLA app after finishing image upload and download 2", 
"DOS":"02\/18\/15 21:14", 
"Ago":"5 days ago", 
"userName":"Ganesh ", 
"Title":"Check HelloMLA 3", 
"Description":"This is to check HelloMLA app after finishing image upload and download 3", 
"DOS":"02\/18\/15 21:16", 
"Ago":"5 days ago", 
"userName":"Ganesh ", 
"Title":"Check HelloMLA 4", 
"Description":"This is to check HelloMLA app after finishing image upload and download ", 
"DOS":"02\/18\/15 21:16", 
"Ago":"5 days ago", 
"userName":"Ganesh ", 
"Title":"hello Gurudaths", 
"Description":"Gurudaths93 is default email", 
"DOS":"02\/21\/15 12:29", 
"Ago":"3 days ago", 
"userName":"Ganesh ", 
"Title":"hello how r u", 
"Description":"Naanu fine Neenu", 
"DOS":"02\/23\/15 5:41", 
"Ago":"1 day ago", 
"userName":"Ganesh ", 
"Title":"fhj ajji ", 
"Description":"hjhvcf chjj chhbji ", 
"DOS":"02\/23\/15 5:42", 
"Ago":"1 day ago", 

你可以發佈什麼,直到你已經盡力了,這樣我們就可以幫您 – 2015-02-24 16:01:24



所以投訴鍵有對象的數組。每個物品都有物品complaintID的userName標題等,您可以在JSONArray得到投訴值。然後遍歷JSONArray並使用length()獲取JSONObject中的每個對象。然後您可以訪問JSONObject中的所有項目。 JSONObject類有一個方法has(String name),您可以在獲取其值之前檢查項目是否存在於JSONObject中。


 if(jsonObject.has("success")) { 
      try { 
       Log.d("TAG", String.valueOf(jsonObject.getInt("success"))); 
      } catch (JSONException e) { 
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block 

     if(jsonObject.has("complaints")) { 
      try { 
       JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("complaints"); 
       for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); ++i) { 
        JSONObject jsonChildObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); 
        if(jsonChildObject.has("complaintID")) { 
         Log.d("TAG", jsonChildObject.getString("complaintID")); 
        if(jsonChildObject.has("userName")) { 
         Log.d("TAG", jsonChildObject.getString("userName")); 

//     . 
//     . 
//     . 
//     . 
//     . 
//     . 

        if(jsonChildObject.has("Photopath") && jsonChildObject.getString("Photopath") != null) { 
         Log.d("TAG", jsonChildObject.getString("Photopath")); 
        if(jsonChildObject.has("Hascomment")) { 
         Log.d("TAG", jsonChildObject.getString("Hascomment")); 
        if(jsonChildObject.has("comments")) { 
         JSONArray jsonCommentArray = jsonChildObject.getJSONArray("comments"); 
         for (int j = 0; j < jsonCommentArray.length(); ++j) { 
//       Print comments using index as j. 

      } catch (JSONException e) { 
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block 

THKS一個lot..it工作對我來說.. – 2015-02-24 16:41:55