2013-11-29 34 views


/** Returns the natural ordering on T, as a Comparator. For 
* example, if stringComp = Graph.<Integer>naturalOrder(), then 
* stringComp.compare(x1, y1) is <0 if x1<y1, ==0 if x1=y1, and >0 
* otherwise. */ 
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Comparator<T> naturalOrder() { 
    return new Comparator<T>() { 
     public int compare(T x1, T x2) { 
      return x1.compareTo(x2); 

我有一個HashSet來保存我所有的邊緣,我想對它們進行排序,根據這種方法, 所以我目前做的(迭代基本上是一個迭代器包裝類):

/** Returns an iterator over all edges in me. If _ordered, return an iterator 
    over the edges in their natural ordering. */ 
public Iteration<Edge> edges() { 
    if (_ordered) { 
     List<Edge> list = new ArrayList<Edge>(edges); 
     Collections.sort(list, naturalOrder()); 
     return Iteration.iteration(list.listIterator()); 
    } else { 
     return Iteration.iteration(edges); 


The method sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) in the type Collections 
is not applicable for the arguments (List<Graph<VLabel,ELabel>.Edge>, 
Comparator<Comparable<? super Comparable<? super T>>>) 



/** Represents a general graph whose vertices are labeled with a type 
* VLABEL and whose edges are labeled with a type ELABEL. The 
* vertices are represented by the inner type Vertex and edges by 
* inner type Edge. A graph may be directed or undirected. For 
* an undirected graph, outgoing and incoming edges are the same. 
* Graphs may have self edges and may have multiple edges between vertices. 
* The vertices and edges of the graph, the edges incident on a 
* vertex, and the neighbors of a vertex are all accessible by 
* iterators. Changing the graph's structure by adding or deleting 
* edges or vertices invalidates these iterators (subsequent use of 
* them is undefined.) 
public abstract class Graph<VLabel, ELabel> { 

/** Represents one of my vertices. */ 
public class Vertex { 

    /** A new vertex with LABEL as the value of getLabel(). */ 
    Vertex(VLabel label) { 
     _label = label; 

    /** Returns the label on this vertex. */ 
    public VLabel getLabel() { 
     return _label; 

    public String toString() { 
     return String.valueOf(_label); 

    /** The label on this vertex. */ 
    private final VLabel _label; 


/** Represents one of my edges. */ 
public class Edge { 

    /** An edge (V0,V1) with label LABEL. It is a directed edge (from 
    * V0 to V1) in a directed graph. */ 
    Edge(Vertex v0, Vertex v1, ELabel label) { 
     _label = label; 
     _v0 = v0; 
     _v1 = v1; 

    /** Returns the label on this edge. */ 
    public ELabel getLabel() { 
     return _label; 

    /** Return the vertex this edge exits. For an undirected edge, this is 
    * one of the incident vertices. */ 
    public Vertex getV0() { 
     return _v0; 

    /** Return the vertex this edge enters. For an undirected edge, this is 
    * the incident vertices other than getV1(). */ 
    public Vertex getV1() { 
     return _v1; 

    /** Returns the vertex at the other end of me from V. */ 
    public final Vertex getV(Vertex v) { 
     if (v == _v0) { 
      return _v1; 
     } else if (v == _v1) { 
      return _v0; 
     } else { 
      throw new 
       IllegalArgumentException("vertex not incident to edge"); 

    public String toString() { 
     return String.format("(%s,%s):%s", _v0, _v1, _label); 

    /** Endpoints of this edge. In directed edges, this edge exits _V0 
    * and enters _V1. */ 
    private final Vertex _v0, _v1; 

    /** The label on this edge. */ 
    private final ELabel _label; 


請問Edge是否實現'Comparable '?發佈其代碼。 –


您想使用它們的自然順序對邊進行排序,但它們沒有定義任何自然順序。 –




class Edge implements Comparable<Edge>{ 

    public int compareTo(Edge o){ 



class Edge implements Comparable<Edge> { 

    // ... 


Collections.sort(list, naturalOrder()); // will still give the error. 


  1. 使用一個臨時變量:

    Comparator<? super Edge> comparator = naturalOrder(); 
        Collections.sort(list, comparator); 
  2. 或者明確地指定泛型參數:

    Collections.sort(list, MyClass.<Edge>naturalOrder()); 
