我有一張畫布c,我畫了一張圖,現在我想標註圖的點。無論出於何種原因,圖表正在工作,但不是標籤。Tkinter in python-爲什麼我不能創建文本?
countries = starcoords.keys() #returns a list of all the countries I want to work with
for i in countries: #this part works
(xcor1, ycor1) = starcoords[i][1] #basically, returns the coordinates of the country i'm working with
for j in starcoords[i][2]: #starcoords[key][2] is a list of all the countries it connects to, then it goes through and draws lines to each country
(xcor2, ycor2) = starcoords[j][1]
if starcoords[i][0] == starcoords[j][0]:
continent = starcoords[i][0]
continentcolour = clustercoords[continent][0]
c.create_line(xcor1, ycor1, xcor2, ycor2, fill=continentcolour,width=2, activefill='#900')
c.create_line(xcor1, ycor1, xcor2, ycor2, fill="grey",width=2,activefill='#900')
for i in countries: #for whatever reason this part doesn't
(xcor1, ycor1) = starcoords[i][1]
c.create_text(xcor1, ycor1,fill='grey')
你的縮進不正確。我們如何知道第二個'for i'循環是功能的一部分還是其他功能的一部分(或者循環的其他部分...)? –